The Civil War timeline!

By ss10357
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes president

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes president
    Lincoln was president of the US from March 4th 1861 till April 15th 1865. Lincolns vice president was Andrew Johnson
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • International crisis for Lincoln

    “The beginning of an international diplomatic crisis for President Lincoln as two Confederate officials sailing toward England are seized by the U.S. Navy. England, the leading world power, demands their release, threatening war. Lincoln eventually gives in.”
  • Bloodiest day in military history

    Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Armies are stopped at Antietam in Maryland by McClellan and numerically superior Union forces. By nightfall 26,000 men are dead, wounded, or missing.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in territories held by Confederates and emphasizes the enlisting of black soldiers in the Union Army
  • delivers Gettysburg address

    delivers Gettysburg address
    President Lincoln delivers a two minute Gettysburg Address at a ceremony dedicating the Battlefield as a National Cemetery.
  • Lincolns re-elceted president

    Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president, defeating Democrat George B. McClellan. Lincoln carries all but three states with 55 percent of the popular vote and 212 of 233 electoral votes.
  • President Lincoln dies

    President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 in the morning.
  • The 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution passed by congress on January 31, 1865. Slavery is now abolished.