The African Church

  • The Creation of the African Church

    Jacob Kehinde Coker led a protest over the ill treatment on Africans in a white dominated church. Coker decided to make his own church for Africans.
  • First Service

    The first divine services was held in Rose Cottage under a canopy. About 800 people came to the service.
  • The African Church was built

    The church was initially built in twenty eight days with three hundred and fifty pounds to accommodate 600 members. It was built in Lagos
  • The first ordination service

    The first ordination service in the African Church was held during which Messrs J.A Lakeru, D.O. Coates and A.O Ijaoye were ordained Deacons of the African church, Superintendent J.S. Williams officiated.
  • C.M.S Church

    The church properties belong to the two parties in C.M.S. and that the African Church Should always be consulted in the use of land.
  • Church was divided

    The church was divided into two sections (Bethel and Salem)
  • Church was reunited

    Both section reunited with each other to create the African Church again.
  • 1st Constitution

    The African Church created a constitution through a joint conference.
  • New Leader (Primate)

    The African Church is presently led by His Eminence, Julius Olayinka Osayande Abbe who was enthroned and installed as the 12th Primate of The African Church