
The acomplishments of the Frst 5 Presidents

By Isha K.
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    Political Parties Grew Out of the Disagreements Between Hamilton and Jefferson Over the Proper Role of the National Government.

    Federalist (Hamilton): Wanted a strong central goverment.
    Anti-Federalist (Jefferson): Wanted a weak central goverment.
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    Political Parties Grew Out of the Disagreements Between Hamilton and Jefferson Over the Proper Role of the National Government

    Federalist (Hamilton): Wanted a strong central goverment.
    Anti-Federalist (Jefferson): Wanted a strong central goverment
  • Federal court system was established

    The fedral court system is a system of goverment of goverment in which; the national and state goverments share power.
  • D.C. was Made

    Plans for design were by Benjamin Banneker, an African American astronomer and surveyor.
  • Bill of Rights Was Added to the Constitution of the United States

    It provided a a written guarantee of individual rights.
  • The 2 Party System

    In the election of 1796 the party system emerged. It happened while John Adams was running against Jefferson.
  • Louisiana Purchace

    We got land from france for $15 million that doubled the size of our young nation.
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    Lewis and Clark Expeition

    Lewis and Clark explored the land west of the Mississippi River.
  • War of 1812

    This was earns U.S. respet.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    It told other countries to stop messing with us.