First Use of PC - "Go West!"
1990 – One of my very first uses of a “PC” was in 1990. It was a Macintosh PC and the 4th grade class that I was in used them to play Oregon Trail. We also used them to learn how to write things on the computer as well. We had a PC lab at the school and I remember that I always loved going there when we went. (Also, I got pretty good at Oregon Trail and learned how to not die so fast from Dysentery!) -
What? A Portable Compaq? No Way!
1992 – One of the very first computers the I personally owned was this great big metal box where the lid was the keyboard and it took floppy disks to run. I never really did get to use it much because of one reason or another. I don’t even remember the name of it, but it looked very similar to the pic below. -
07734 - Paging Messages on a Beeper
1996 – I got my first pager from JJ the King of Beepers and then I went to work for their rival. I used to re-crystal the pagers when they came in so that they could be used again. I also had my first cell phone in 1996. It was a brick phone. I watched them use a paper clip to jump terminals on the board inside of it in order to program it with my phone number. -
CompUSA - First Laptop Purchase - It's an iBook!
Late 1990’s – Computers really took off by the late 1990’s. I had owned quite a few by the year 2000 and people around me knew they could come to me if they needed help setting up their PC’s or getting online. My first laptop was a big mac laptop Mac iBook G3. -
What Kind of Tech do I NOT have now... *shrugs*
Today – I have had quite a few cell phones, computers, laptops, iPads – Today I have used MacOS, Windows (my first windows platform was 3.1), and Ubuntu which is a graphical linux interface. (Basically Linux operating system but with graphical interface like Windows.)