
Technology Usage Progression

  • iMac

    The iMac, created by Steve Jobs in 1998 offered many options for users that were not available prior to '98 including reduced commands to navigate the computer, the first mouse, and more!
  • iPad

    The first generation iPad, also created by Steve Jobs in 2010, was the first of its kind, bridging the gap between the laptop and smartphone. The iPad served as another forum for productivity and media consumption.
  • Significant AI Advancement

    Significant AI Advancement
    While AI was already advancing significantly between 2008 and 2019, In 2016, Google's AlphaGo beat one of the world's best players in the game of Go. This demonstrated AI's ability to make complex decisions and critically think.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    Created by Nintendo in 2017, the Nintendo Switch
    switch offered users the ability to switch between interfaces easily as well serve as a handheld console.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    Created by Apple in 2017, this generation of phone progressed the development of iPhones and marked the invention of FaceID