Hst sm4

Technology Timeline

  • Period: to

    Technology of the 90's

    Technological progress throughout the 1990's.
  • Launch of the Hubble Space Telescope

    Launch of the Hubble Space Telescope
    Developed by NASA for over 20 years, and launched in April of 1990. Its launch marked a new era in space exploration and understanding. Plus it gave us some of the most awe inspiring photos of the universe we've ever seen.
  • The launch of Linux

    The launch of Linux
    Developed in the late 1980's by Linus Torvalds. While Linux may not be the most popular OS for most users, its range and applicability and probably most important the fact that its open source, have made it a long standing and popular Operating System.
  • The Sony Playtation is released.

    The Sony Playtation is released.
    Originally conceived by Ken Kutaragi a Sony software executive. It is one of the best selling video game consoles ever launched. Even though it was released during the 5th generation of video game consoles, its popularity helped make home game consoles more commonplace, and its use of cd-rom format games over cartridges, paved the road of video games for the next 20 plus years.
  • Dolly the sheep.

    Dolly the sheep.
    Created from adult sheep cells by the Roslin Institute in Scotland. Dolly was the first mammal cloned. Her creation helped spark further research in the field of animal cloning.
  • Launch of Google

    Launch of Google
    In 1998 google.com was launched by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
    Initially an index used to link to different parts of the internet.
    It is now not only the most popular website on the internet, its parent company is one of the largest corporations on the globe.