married woman seen as individuals
finally women were not only seen as possensions of their husband -
the woman franchise legue
they took up the rights of married woman and campaigns for equality for woman and divorse, inheritance and custody of children -
free and comulsary education
this is set up and introduced for all working class children up to 12 -
parish council act
permits propertied women and ratepayers to serve on urban and parish district councils -
factory act
bans the employment of children under 11 in factories. women are not to be employed fo 4 weeks after having a child. -
they are formed by well-educated middle class women frustrated with their lives -
factory act
reduces by one hour the number of hours women work -
the campaign had gained the support of working class women as well -
new campaigning organisation
Mrs Emmeline founded a new campaigning organisation, WSPU -
the suffragettes publicised a rally in hyde park in london by sailing a boat past parliament hill flying flags and posters -
cincilation bill
the government promised a consilation bill which won all party suppot. the suffragets suspended action. -
after 1911 with the increasing violence of the suffrogettes, alienated support for the women's cause -
cat and mouse act
the governmen passed a new act which allowed hunger strikers to leave prison, recover a little and then return to finish their sentance. campaigners called this the cat and mouse act -
the derby
emily davison rushed out and tried to catch hold of one of the horses as a protest for womens rights -
emily davison
the death of emily davison -
poor law guardians
over 1,500 women were h=serving as PLG -
around 20% of all women workers were in a union -
development of NUWSS
by this time NUWSS had developed into a very large organisation with over 500 branches around 100,000 members