Stubbs- Supranationalism and Devolution

  • Quebec/Canada

    Countries Involved: Canada
    Type: Economic
    Main Cause/ Purpose: No countries were created. Canada gave Quebec autonomy, because Quebec wanted to seperate from Canada. Also, another conflict is that Quebec is mainly Catholic and Canada is mainly Protestant.
  • Allied Powers (WWII)

    Allied Powers (WWII)
    Countries: France, Poland, United Kingdom, United States, Soviet Union
    Type: Military/Political
    Purpose: Anti-German, they tried to stop Germany from taking over Europe.
  • Axis Powers

    Axis Powers
    Countries: Germany, Italy, and Japan
    Type: Political/Military
    Purpose: to take conquer all of Europe, Japan would rule Asia/the Pacific, Italy would rule the Mediterranean, and Germany would rule Europe. **the Tripartite Pact signed by all three powers on was signed on Sept. 27, 1940.
  • Ireland Seperating from Great Britian

    Ireland Seperating from Great Britian
    Countries invloved: Ireland and the United Kingdom
    Type: Cultural
    Purpose/Main Cause: Ireland was Catholic, and most of England was Protestant. This caused conflict between the two religions, Catholics don't want a Protestant ruler and Protestants don't want a Catholic ruler.
    Countries created: Ireland
  • OPEC

    Countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Nigeria
    Tyoe: Economic
    Purpose: OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) was formed to regulate the oil prices and the amount of oil being exported from the countries with major amounts of oil.
  • Islamic Conference Organization (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)

    Islamic Conference Organization (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)
    Countries: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Libya
    Type: cultural
    Purpose: Promote Islamic solidarity by making social, economic, scientific, keep international peace, and cultural activities. They want the well-being of all Muslims.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    Countries Involved: Russia, Georgia, and Estonia, Lithuania ect.
    Type: economic
    Main Cause/Purpose: When Eastern Europe started opposing communism and revolting, the Soviet Union's power, economy, and structure started to falter. When Gorbachev tried to help fix it, he did not succeed, too many people were already revolting and opposing communism.
    Countries created: the ones listed above and 11 others.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Countries: Czech Republic and Slovakia
    Type: Economic
    Purpouse/Main Cause: The Slovaks were mainly Communist, they were influenced by the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the Czech part was closer to the West, and more influenced by the West. Because of this, they were more industrialized. They were more developed, and most of the natural resources were on their land. They knew this, and wanted to become independent. They also knew they had a lot to offer to the E.U.
  • NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement

    NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
    Contries: Canada, Mexico, United States
    Type: Economic
    Purpose: To remove tariffs, like the European Union did. They wanted to have "free trade" with North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada.
  • Hawaii/Puerto Rico/ United States

    Hawaii/Puerto Rico/ United States
    Countries/Regions: United States of America, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii
    Type: Economic
    Main Cause/Purpose: Puerto Rico and Hawaii wanted independence from the United States, and instead they got autonomy, or self-rule. They stayed with the U.S. for protection.
    Countries created: none