

  • The Sandhurst manifesto

    The Sandhurst manifesto
    Wrote by Cánovas (leader of the Conservative Party and main architect of the Bourbon Restoration) in Sandhurst where he promised a constitutional government.
  • Period: to

    The Bourbon Restoration

    Started with the restoration of the monarchy by Alfonso XII. It was made possible due to two processes:
    -Political manoeuvring of Antonio Cánovas, leader of the future Conservative Party.
    -Pronunciamiento militar by General Martínez Campos.
    After the death of Alfonso. Maria Cristina reigned while her son became older.
    During this period, "turnismo" (rotation of political parties) was held.
  • Constitution of 1876

    Constitution of 1876
    Moderate. Allowed any party to govern without needing to change it. Broad range of rights and shared sovereignty between the king and the cortes and established suffrage ( all could be limited depending on the governing party)
  • Foundation of the PSOE

    Foundation of the PSOE
    Founded by Pablo Iglesias, consolidated by the huge need in the labour movement in this period.
  • Bases de Manresa 1892

    Bases de Manresa 1892
    Where the Catalan proposals were declared, written by Prat de la Riba.
  • Foundation of PNV

    Foundation of PNV
    Driven by Sabio Arana, catholic and conservative party that defended regional charters and tradition.
  • War between Spain and USA

    War between Spain and USA
    Spain refused to grant more autonomy to its colonies. UK supported the rebels. The war started due to the sinking of a US Navy Battleship, which Spain was blamed for. Spain was forced to sign a Treaty in 1898 for establishing peace.
  • Period: to

    The reign of Alfonso XIII

    Huge crisis due to the political system, influence of regenerationism and the deaths of Cánovas.
    Divided in two:
    Continued use of turnismo. Main problem=> war against Morocco.
    Crisis of the Cánovas system. It afected the military, politic and social areas.
    When the crisis ended, Spain was forced to form unity governments, whose would not last and would suffer domestic and foreign changes.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    Conference in which a treaty that divided Morocco into two protectorates, one on the north under French control and other in the south under Spanish control was signed.
  • Period: to

    The Tragic Week of 1909

    Violent protests in Barcelona by the liberals due to the harsh repression by Maura´s conservative government.
  • Disaster at Annual

    Disaster at Annual
    Brutal defeat of Spain in the Rif War against Morocco. Public commotion and negative influence in public opinion.
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    On the 13 of September of 1923, Primo de Rivera carried out a coup d´etat supported by the king.
    It had two stages:
    -Military directory: Constitution, Cortes, political parties and labour movements suppressed and defeat of the Moroccans.
    -Civil directory: Moroccan victory + Economic boom = Primo de Rivera´s power maintained.
    Due to the economic crisis, he was forced to resign.
    Alfonso tried several times to go back to the parliamentary system, but failed.
  • Period: to

    The Second Republic

    After the proclamation of the second republic, a provisional government was declared made up of Republicans, socialists and nationalists.
    The left wing parties won at the Constituent Cortes and drafted a new constitution.
  • Period: to

    Reformist Biennium

    Niceto was elected president and Manuel Azaña made up a left wing government.
    Aimed for political reforms to solve society problems of the period (made political, military, economic, social and cultural reforms).
    The reforms led to protest by both sides, considering them too radical in one hand and in the other, saying that they did not had done enough.
    Azaña was forced to resign.
  • Municipal elections of 1931

    Municipal elections of 1931
    Due to the citizens´ disapproval of the king´s support to the dictatorship which led to various victories of the Republicans in this event for several cities.
  • Period: to

    Conservative Biennium

    Victory of the centrist radical republican party, who gained the CEDA parliamentary support.
    This new government erased the vast => strikes and actions taken by left-wing parties.
    October revolution took place due to the CEDA´s demand of positions in the government (it was more intense in Asturias and Barcelona).
    This new government passed through lots of problems and this led to another election en February 1936 where the Popular Front won.
  • Period: to

    The Spanish Civil War

    Spain was divided into two zones, the republican zone and the nationalist one, and due to the spread of the military coup d´état that took place in Melilla, Tetuan and Ceuta was turned into a long civil war.
  • Period: to

    The Popular Front

    Government which brought back the reforms that had been abolished during the conservative biennium. This led to two growing political radicalisation:
    -Left side: PSOE gained momentum.
    -Right side: Falange Española was founded (fascist regime).
    Political violence (tragic spring) reached it´s peak when the most conservative sectors of the army made a coup d´état and killed José Calvo Sotelo.
  • The bombing of Guernica

    The bombing of Guernica
    By the German air force´s Condor Legion, considered a harsh battle during times when the war moved to the Cantabrian coast.