Social Studies - Period 2

  • british

    in spring the wanted victory
  • France and patriots

    France joins the patriots in an alliance
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The constitution was finished.
  • The congress

    The congress proposed 12 amendments.
  • United States

    The united states was home to almost 4 million people.
  • Hamiliton & Jefferson

    Hamiliton & Jefferson
    Hamiltion & Jefferson became more and more public.
  • Washington Presidental

    This practice started during Washingtons Presidency.
  • Stockbrokers

    Some 24 stockbrokers signed an agreement under a buttonwood.
  • george Washington

    george Washington
    Washington presented his opinion to congress on April 22 , 1793.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Native Americans faught waynes troops in the battle of fallen timbers and were defeated.
  • Godoy

    Godoy agreed to pinkneys treaty.
  • The Election

    The election of 1796 began a new era in u.s.
  • Mission Failed

    President Adams told congress that the peace- seeking mission had failed.
  • President Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson takes office.
  • jefferson is inagurated

    he left the boarding house and walked to the capitol.
  • Louisiana

    just before handing over louisiana to france, spain closed new orleans to americans shipping.
  • first official

    the first official council between representatives of the united states and plains indians was held.
  • Embargo

    Congress passed the embargo act.
  • non intercourse act

    congress tried to revive the nations trade by replacing the unpopular act.
  • harrisons camp

    fight broke out when the prophet ordered an attack on harrisons camp.
  • Great Britian

    Congres declares war against Great Britian.
  • james maddison

    he decided that congress must vote on war.
  • united states

    united states went on attack again
  • the treaty for jackson

    signed late in 1814, ended the greek war and forced greek to give up millions of acres.
  • battle

    the battle began on the morning of january 8, 1815
  • convention

    this treaty also set the border between the united states and british canada
  • missouri compomise

    allows main and missouri to become states.
  • mexico

    president monroe grew worried
  • the doctrine

    was issued by the president on december 2, 1823 during his annual message to congress
  • gibbson vs ogden

    1824 case gibbson vs ogden, the court said that the states could not interfere with the power of congress
  • construction

    construction of the canal began in 1817 and was completed 1825
  • John audubon

    John audubon
    begind publishing the birds of america which is highly admired in england.
  • Louis Bralle

    Louis Bralle
    publishes a reading system for blind
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    attended the world anti slavery convention in london while on her honeymoon.
  • Henry Clay

    The whig party choose senator Henry Clay as president candidate.
  • Mexico

    The u.s. declares war against Mexico.
  • Sojourner Truth gives a memorable quote

    Sojourner Truth gives a memorable quote
    Sojourner Truth gave a speech that is often quoted to this day.
  • Anthony Burns

    Anthony Burns
    Anthony Burns, a fugitive slave from virginia was arrested in boston
  • Illinois Republican

    nominated abraham lincoln for the U.S. Senate.
  • Lincoln Stands UP

    Lincoln declared, "there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the natural rights numerated in the declaration od indipendence. the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • John brown

    John brown
    john browns raid began when he and his men took over the arsenal in harpers ferry , virginia in hopes of starting a slave rebellion.
  • Anthony

    Anthony was able to have NY give married women ownership of their wages and property.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Before sunrise on April 12 , 1861 confedarte guns opened fire on fort Sumter.
  • imperial decree

    an imperial decree expels foreingners from japan.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    the emancipation proclamation is issued on january 1
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    First preisdent to be impreached.
  • Justice Oliver Wenden Holmes

    Falsely shouting "fire" in a crowd.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    He became the first African American justice.
  • War in Vietnam

    War raged in vietnam and the president used a court ordered to stop.
  • Supreme Court

    Ruled the way in which most states carried out.