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Slavery in the South
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner's Rebellion was a slave uprising orchastrated by Nat Turner form August 21, 1831- August 22, 1831 when it was put down my local millita. Because of this bloody rebellion strict laws and rules were passed in the South to control the slaves and supress any furhter rebellions. -
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The Gag Rule
The Gag Rule was implemented bt Congress because the issue of slavery was distracting Congress form acting on other important issues that faced the nation. This "rule" prevented the issue of slavery from actually being adressed. -
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave, and an influential abolitionist. HIs speech inspired many people to condem slavery and petition for its abolition. -
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The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was, as it is widely know now, was formed sometime in the early 1800's and reached its peak in the 1850's and 60's. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of black slaves escape to freedom. One of the Most famous conductors is Harriet Tubman who personally helped save at least 70 people escape from slavery. -
The Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Great Compromis of 1850. The Act enlisted magistrates to bring back escaped slaves to their owners, even if the slaves escaped to the north, and citizens were required, by the law, This was very controversial in the North and made it much hard for slaves to permanently escape slavery. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It shined light on the cruelty and injusticeses of slavery. The book fueled the abolitionist movement and inspired many anti-slavery speeched in the following years. -
Dred Scott Ruling
On March 6, 1857 the decision on the Dred Scott case was made. The decision was that since Mr. Scott was considered property and the government had to protect peoples property. Mr. Scott was still a slave, even though he had a territory in which slavery was illegal. This technically made it so slavery could be practiced everywhere, as long as the slave was aquire in a slave allowing state or territory. -
Election of 1860
The election of 1860 was pivtol in the balance of the U.S. When Lincoln got elected all of the slave states felt threatened. He was very anti-slavery and, after the Civil War, would finally end slavery in the U.S. -
The Emancipation Proclamation
The document, divised by Abraham Lincoln, stated that all slaves that lived in the rebellious states were no longer slaves, but free men. The Emancipation Proclamation was created during the thrid year of the civil war -
13th Amendment
The Thriteenth Amendment was passed. The Amendment formally abolished slavery in all of the United States. The Amendment was made and passed after the Civil War ended in vidtory for the North.This was Probably the msot important event in the history of slavery in the U.S because it ended it.