Semester Fitness Journey

By tmoodie
  • Day 1 of Fitness

    First day of Fitness & Lifetime Sports! Time to set goals and work towards them!
  • Period: to

    2 Week Checkin

    Explain what goals you're working towards accomplishing and what you've done/what you're doing to work towards this goal.
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    3 month check in

    3 month mark! What goals have you hit? What goals may need to be adjusted? What are you/aren't you doing in working towards those goals?
  • Period: to

    End of Semester Goal Assessment

    Did you smash your goals? Why or why not? What would you have done differently?
  • Christmas Break Check In

    Have you achieved at least half of your goals? If not, what has held you back? What changes can you make? What are new goals you may want to work on this upcoming semester?