
Sawyer kjelshus' time line

  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew was born in Scotland, he came to the US and created a steel company. His company took the steel industry by storm and quickly created a monopoly because of this he was the only steel manufacturer that could get the amazing prices he had.
  • Buying Alaska

    Buying Alaska
    Close after the civil war, William Seward hastily took an offer from Russia to buy Alaska for 2 cents per acre or $7.2 million. Later there was gold and oil found here which has yielded over $180,000,000,000 worth of resources (about 250,000 times more than they bought it for).
  • Great fire of Chicago

    Great fire of Chicago
    The Chicago fire was started with a lantern being kicked over in the O'Leary barn. 300 people died and over 100,000 people left homeless. This city was very prone to fire because it was made of wood because wood is cheap and easy to build with.
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the USA as a birthday present from France. It was the way for immigrants to be welcomed to the US. If she were a person, she would where a size 879 shoe, she is 305 feet tall
  • Johnstown flood

    Johnstown flood
    The Johnstown flood happened because of the dam that had not been inspected in 20 years. It destroyed about 1600 homes and destroyed 17 million dollars wort of property.
  • basket ball

    basket ball
    Basketball was created when James Naismith needed a game to play in the winter. He nailed 2 peach baskets on either side of a gym and to the kids to put the ball in the peach basket.
  • Modern Olympics

    Modern Olympics
    The first modern Olympics were in Athens and had 14 nations competing. The events were fencing, shooting, swing, tennis, wrestling, weight lifting, cycling road, cycling track, and track. We sent 14 competitors, for comparison last Olympics we sent 615
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal construction start to make an 8000 nautical mile shortcuts. It uses a system of water elevators to lift and lower ships.
  • FDA

    The food and drug administration was created after the book "The Jungle" was published and showed how rats were getting int our meat. It was created to make sure things we consume are safe for us.
  • The Titanic

    The Titanic
    The titanic sank in the North Atlantic after an iceberg scraped the side of it, puncturing the water-tight compartments. 1517 people died only 706 got out alive, the last survivor died in 2009.