
Saga of Mr Fuddlesticks and the Renton Police Department

  • Sergeant Bill Judd creates a cartoon.

    Sergeant Bill Judd creates a cartoon.
    Sometime in Nov or Dec 2010, Sgt Judd creates and uploads the first cartoon.
  • Judd uploads the cartoon

    Judd uploads the cartoon
    The first cartoon created by Bill Judd. It has been mirrored across multiple YouTube accounts, however, Bill Judd's original account no longer exists. The name of the cartoon was "A Penny Tale brought to you by SCORE".
  • Cartoon is spread via email internally

    Cartoon is spread via email internally
    The cartoon was spread via email among department members. Bill Judd accidently cc'd himself on city email as he emailed it to others.
  • Chief Milo starts investigating the cartoon

    Chief Milo starts investigating the cartoon
    Chief Milosevich requests Information Services to determine if the video was uploaded on a department computer.
  • Cartoon is reposted under different account

    Cartoon is reposted under different account
    The cartoon was reposted under a different YouTube account (EmporerNaked) under a different name (SCORE PARODY).
  • Mayor Law Receives an email about the cartoon

    Mayor Law Receives an email about the cartoon
    Renton Mayor Denis Law received an email from the Auburn City Mayor informing him about the cartoon. Law forwards the email to Chief Milosevich.
  • Google is asked for user account information

    Google is asked for user account information
    Deputy Chief Troxel faxes Google a demand for information related to user information to the first video. Google denies the request, informs Troxel he needs a search warrant. The process to obtain a search warrant fails with Detective Onishi's attempt with the King County Prosecutor's Office.
  • Former RPD Officer informs Chief Milosevich

    Former RPD Officer informs Chief Milosevich
    A former RPD officer calls Chief Milosevich and informs that more cartoons had been uploaded to YouTube. Mr Fuddlesticks is born.
  • DC Marsalisi states he knows the creator of the first cartoon

    DC Marsalisi states he knows the creator of the first cartoon
    Marsalisi tells Milosevich that Bill Judd created the first cartoon, and that he old Judd to remove it offlien.
  • Chief informs Jay Covington

    Chief informs Jay Covington
    Chief Milosevich informs CAO Jay Covington.
  • Chief Milo informs HR Admin Nancy Carlson

    Chief Milo informs HR Admin Nancy Carlson
    Chief Milosevich informs HR Administrator Nancy Carlson.
  • DC Marsalisi becomes the subject of an internal investigation

    DC Marsalisi becomes the subject of an internal investigation
    Chief Milosevich informs Deputy Chief Marasili that he is subject of an internal investigation.
  • Sgt Judd is informed he is the subject of an internal investigation.

    Sgt Judd is informed he is the subject of an internal investigation.
    Sgt Judd is informed he is the subject of an internal investigation by Chief Milosevich.
  • Sgt Judd is investigated over the cartoon

    Sgt Judd is investigated over the cartoon
    Sergeant Bill Judd is investigated by the Renton Police Department for policy violations regarding the creation and uploading of a cartoon.
  • DC Charles Marsalisi is accused of conduct unbecoming

    DC Charles Marsalisi is accused of conduct unbecoming
  • Sgt Judd is interviewed

    Sgt Judd is interviewed
    Sgt Judd admits to creating the first cartoon, but not the others. Judd says that he pulled his cartoon from YouTube but it was uploaded by another YouTube account with a different name of the cartoon.
  • Dep Chief Marsalisi is interviewed

    Dep Chief Marsalisi is interviewed
    Dep Chief Marsalisi is interviewed by HR Administrator Nancy Carlson and Chief Marsalisi. Marsalis admits to prior knowledge of Judd creating the cartoon.
  • Prosecutor turns down the first warrant attempt

    Prosecutor turns down the first warrant attempt
    Renton Police Detective Onishi's Cyberstalking search warrant affidavit is refused by the King County Prosecutors Office for lack of evidence.
  • Commander Liebman interviews Sgt Smith

    Commander Liebman interviews Sgt Smith
    Sgt Smith was interviewed by Commander Liebman. Smtih admits to knowing Sgt Judd created the video.
  • Commander Liebman interview Sgt Ritchie

    Commander Liebman interview Sgt Ritchie
    Sgt Ritchie was interviewed by Commander Liebman. Smtih admits to knowing Sgt Judd created the video.
  • Chief Milosevich begins search for victims

    Chief Milosevich begins search for victims
    Chief Milosevich emails the SCORE Director to determine the impact of the original video. He also emails department members (females only) asking for anyone to come forward if they felt offended.
  • FIRST Internal Investigation Completed

    FIRST Internal Investigation Completed
    RPD Chief Milosevich completes the IA investigation regarding the first cartoon (SCORE PARODY). Bill Judd admitted creating the video. Deputy Chief Marsalisi admitted to knowing that Judd created the cartoon.
  • Deputy Chief Marsalisi is demoted

    Deputy Chief Marsalisi is demoted
    Deputy Chief Marsalisi is demoted two ranks down to Sergeant.
  • RPD Shreds Public Records

    RPD Shreds Public Records
    Internal investigation records allegedly referenced in the cartoons and directly referenced in the search warrant affidavit are shredded by order of Chief Kevin Milosevich.
  • Search Warrant Issued for Mr Fuddlesticks

    Search Warrant Issued for Mr Fuddlesticks
    A search warrant is served in an attempt to identify Mr Fuddlesticks. Renton City Attorney Shawn Arthur approves the warrant affidavit
  • Another Search Warrant for Mr Fuddlesticks

    Another Search Warrant for Mr Fuddlesticks
    Renton Police Officer Ryan Rutledge writes an affidavit for a search warrant. The affidavit is approved by Shawn Arthur of the Renton City Attorney Office. Pictured here is Shawn's boss, Larry Warren. The warrant is served upon Google and Google produces user information to the department.
  • KiroTV breaks the story

    KiroTV breaks the story
    Chris Haslne breaks the Mr Fuddlesticks story. The videos claimed to have been harrassing to department members were released to Kiro and subsequently spread across multiple websites.
  • 1st Amendment Scholars Speak Out

    1st Amendment Scholars Speak Out
    Numerous First Amendment right experts, scholars, and attorneys across the nation address the public defending the right to the cartoonist to post anonymous cartoons. The ACLU offers to defend the cartoonist.
  • Motion to Quash Warrant is Filed

    Motion to Quash Warrant is Filed
    A motion filed by Attorney Harish Bharti is filed against both RPD Search Warrants. Judge James Cayce stays his warrant.
  • Sgt Judd is demoted to Officer

    Sgt Judd is demoted to Officer
    Chief Milosevich demotes Sergeant Bill Judd to Patrol Officer for Conduct Unbecoming for the creation of the first cartoon.
  • RPD retracts their warrant

    RPD retracts their warrant
    Rather than face the judge to justify the search warrant, the Renton Police Chief chooses to withdraw the search warrant. However, the information from Google had already been produced, the damage to privacy of Mr Fuddlesticks violated.
  • Marsalisi Signs Separation Agreement

    Marsalisi Signs Separation Agreement
    Sgt Charles Marsalisi accepts an offer from the City of Renton to retire, withdraw his Civil Service Hearing request, agree to never disparage the City, and have no further claims against the City.