
Queen Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533


    Henry VIII changed the course of his reign in the hopes of receiving a son from Anne Boleyn. Instead, Elizabeth was born in Greenwich Palace. This makes me believe that if Elizabeth were a boy, her parents would have treated her differently.
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth I

  • May 19, 1536

    Mother's Death

    Mother's Death
    After conceiving a stillborn son, Henry VIII started to grow tired of Anne. She was beheaded on the Tower Green before Elizabeth was even three years old. This was an imperative event in Elizabeth's life because she was sent away from the court because she was a reminder of Anne to Henry.
  • Sep 17, 1552

    Left Household

    Left Household
    Elizabeth went to live with the Queen Dowager Katherine. A particular incident where Elizabeth and Thomas were caught kissing is unknown. Katherine was pregnant at the time of the incident. She later gave birth to a daughter named Mary and Katherine died not much longer afterwards. At this point in Elizabeth's life, she has gone through many deaths of people that played a role in her life and on top of that, had (possible) rumors being spread about her which I'm sure made her go crazy.
  • Sep 17, 1553

    Marriage Refusal

    Marriage Refusal
    Thomas Seymour asked Elizabeth to marry him but she declined. Since then, the two were suspected of plotting against the king. If Elizabeth was charged for this, it would drastically change her future considering she was in line to the throne.
  • Sep 26, 1553


    Elizabeth's sister, Mary, considered Elizabeth a threat so she tricked her into entering the Tower where she was imprisoned for a few months and then eventually sent to Woodstock for just under a year. Being in the same place your mother was beheaded would be traumatizing and could mess with you mentally which I'm sure happened to Elizabeth.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Became Queen

    Became Queen
    Thomas Seymour asked Elizabeth to marry him but she declined. Since then, the two were suspected of plotting against the king. If Elizabeth was charged for this, it would drastically change her future considering she was in line to the throne.
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Crowning & Coronation

    Crowning & Coronation
    The day before officially being crowned as Queen of England, Elizabeth made the procession to Westminster altering a few religious aspects to the service. There were now readings in English and Latin, and Elizabeth retreated to a curtained area during the elevation of the host. Making these changes customized is significant because it was all started by Elizabeth, showing that she intended on taking her role as Queen seriously.
  • The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    Mary Queen of Scots fled from her country in the 1560's and was put on house arrest in England after posing threats. Elizabeth eventually signed a death warrant and had Mary executed in Fortheringhay. This was a difficult decision for Elizabeth to make because even though Mary was threatening Elizabeth and her country, she was still her cousin.
  • Military Threat

    Military Threat
    Elizabeth's greatest military threat was when Armada from Spain sailed to the nation. England prevailed and thus became a supreme naval power. Being a single woman running your own country is tough enough--but imagine multiple threats coming your way. Elizabeth handled the threats the best she could.
  • Death

    Elizabeth died at Richmond Palace and was succeeded by James I. The Tudor dynasty ended and passed to the Stuarts. Still to this day it is unknown whether or not Elizabeth actually named James as her heir. Regardless, Elizabeth clearly did a phenomenal job during her reign considering all the trouble she went through the moment she was born until the day she died.