Professional Development Plan

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    Start practicing 12/2019 and be ready to take exam 04/2020. I understand that this is a short period of time to study, but I am scheduled to take the 3003 course in Fall of 2020, and I cannot push back my academic timeline any further. I'm actually working to scrunch it up as smoothly as possible, given that I have been in school for several years already as a part-time student.
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    COPE / Academic Advising Appointments

    If COPE can assist me like an Academic Adviser, then I need to make an appointment as soon as possible. I will be the first certified K-12 teacher in my family, and the route to go about doing that is somewhat mysterious to me. I need to visit both COPE and my Academic Adviser before the end of this semester and the beginning of the next.
  • EDUC 3003

    Begin taking course EDUC 3003. Must have already been approved for TEP. I'm a little nerve-wracked about this course, because so far in my academic career I haven't had to be 'approved' for any kind of class. I'm somewhat at a depressing loss of what to do right about now when it comes to school because of the stress of work and finances and not being able to attend any kind of assisting seminar or advising talk.
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    Student Teaching

    (dates subject to change) I'm very excited about my student teaching, because it will mean that I am done with sitting in classes! Practical application has always been something I'm more eager to do, so student teaching will be a great way for me to get back on my feet self-efficacy and self-esteem wise.
  • Graduate!!

    (estimated, subject to change) I'm hoping to graduate BEFORE 2023, but I know that probably won't happen. This will have put me at exactly 7 years in college and 8 out of high school. I am ready to start with my career and eager to teach art!