Period 4 1800-1848

By deytonk
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

  • Period: to

    2nd Great Awakening

  • Interchangeable Parts Patent

  • Jefferson is Elected

  • Gabriel's Rebellion

    Gabriel Prosser attempts a revolt of enslaved men in Virginia. He is betrayed by two enslaved men and 70 men were arrested for insurrection.
  • Period: to

    Jefferson's Presidency

  • Marbury v Madison

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Importation of Enslaved People Banned

  • Establishment of Prophetstown

    Founded by Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa
  • Period: to

    Madison's Presidency

  • Battle at Tippecanoe

  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Period: to

    Market Revolution

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • Period: to

    Clay's American System

  • American Colonization Society

  • Period: to

    Era of Good Feelings

  • Period: to

    Monroe Administration

  • Financial Panic 1819

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Period: to

    Temperance Society

  • Mexican Independence from Spain

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • Corrupt Bargain

  • Period: to

    Adam's Administration

  • Democratic Party Founded

  • Period: to

    Jackson Administration

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Trail of Tears

  • Nat Turner Rebellion

  • Whig Party Established

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

  • End of BUS

  • The Liberator goes into print

  • Panic of 1837

  • Period: to

    Van Buren Administration

  • Harrison Administration

    30 days
  • Period: to

    Tyler Aministration

    "His Accidency"
  • Period: to

    Polk Administration

  • The North Star goes into print

  • Seneca Falls Convention