
Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence

  • McViegh Joins Army

    Nicholas and McViegh meet in basic training.
  • McVeigh moves to upstate New York and starts working for a Securtiy company.

  • McVeigh quits his job and goes on road trips and sells weapons at gun shows.

  • McVeigh and Nicholas move to Michigan and McVeigh buys nitromethane using the name "Tim Turtle"

  • McVeigh starts working at a lumberyard in Arizona.

  • McVeigh renounces his U.S. Cetizenship

    He also starts making explosives.
  • McVieigh buys a stoage unit in Kansas to store explosive ingrediants.

  • McVeigh buys ammonium nitrate

  • Wearing a biker disguise, McVeigh purchases nearly $3,000 worth of nitromethane.

  • McVeigh places a 15-minute phone call to Elohim City.

  • McVeigh buys a 1977 Mercury Marquis in Junction City, Kansas.

  • Oklahoma City Bombing

  • McViegh bombs OK City at 9:02 am.

  • McViegh gets arrested

    At 10:20 A.M., while driving north on I-35, McVeigh is stopped for having no license plates on his vehicle. He is arrested for having no vehicle registration, no license plates, and carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. He is booked and lodged in the county jail in Perry, Oklahoma.
  • A warrant is issued for McVeigh's arrest.

  • Nicholas turns himself in.

  • Nicholas is charged with a connection to the bombing

  • McVeigh is convicted on 11 counts

  • Nicholas is senteced to life

  • McVeigh is executed on closed-curcit televison