Nebraska Territory Timeline

  • The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government

    The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government
    Seceded southeast part of Nebraska.
  • Preemption Act of 1841 passed

    Preemption Act of 1841 passed
    160 acres for $1.25 per acer, must be head of house hold, 21, Citizen
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    could build northern railroad, government protected it, popular sovereignty for slaves.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Fighting between the Union and confederates.
  • The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed

    The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed
    Union pacific and Central pacific, civil was veterans helped, began in Omaha end piece in council bluff and other was from Utah
  • Homestead Act passed

    Homestead Act passed
    One way Settlers got land.
  • Morrill Act passed

    Morrill Act passed
    Created UNL and others colleges, researched ag.
  • Plum Creek Massacre

    Plum Creek Massacre
    Indians settlements along platte.It was near Lexington.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    U.S. attacked cheyennes at sand creek Colorado. Indians surrendered but still got killed.
  • Period: to

    Construction of the transcontinental railroad (timespan)

    One began in Omaha and other in California and ended in Utah
  • Nebraska becomes a State

    Nebraska becomes a State
    President Andrew Johnson didn't want to but signed the proclamation declaring for NE to be a state. The signing stopped the life of a territory.
  • The first Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The first Treaty of Fort Laramie
    Found the Black Hills as part of the great sioux.
  • The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe

    The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe
    U.S. took northeast part of Nebraska and in return got things from the U.S.