Owl reading book clipart 1

My Reading History

  • Baby

    As an infant, my parents would give me soft books to play with and read to me.
  • Toddler

    As a toddler, my Mom or Grandparents would take me to the library for reading circles.
  • Kindergarten

    I begin my reading journey while in Kindergarten. I began to read sight words and small books.
  • 1st Grade

    1st Grade
    I remember being in 1st grade and being so nervous because we would read as a class out load. My teacher would ask someone to read a paragraph, and when they were finished, she would randomly call someone else. I was always so nervous that I would be the one called and that I would make a mistake in front of the entire class!
  • 3rd Grade

    3rd Grade
    My love of chapter books began in third grade. I fell in love with so many different series, and could not wait to get through them!
  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    Fifth grade was terrifying... my teacher asked me to read in front of the class! We wrote a paper about how to get rid of racism and were asked to read it in front of the class!!! I remember I felt like everything was in slow motion and I was terrified, but I got through it and realized it wasn't as bad as I was imagining it was going to be.
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    High School

    High school was the time that i discovered my dislike for reading text books. My book of preference changed from fiction to non-fiction, more specifically biographies. Those are still my book of preference today.
  • College

    College brought a variety of different reading materials. It also opened me up to reading in front of a group more... like many people reading or speaking in front of adults has to be one of my least favorite things! Reading in front of kids does not bother me, it is actually exciting to see their little faces hang on every word you read.
  • Pre-K Teacher

    Pre-K Teacher
    I was a Pre-K teacher for a few years, and reading was very important to me. I wanted to get them excited about reading at a young age so they would love it forever! I found many different ways to get them excited about reading... voices and props were always a hit!
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    Reading to my kids

    My oldest was born in 2007 and I have read to her since she was a baby. All of my kids have libraries at home and we read together frequently. I am working with my 4 year old and he just read his first mini- story! He loves it and being able to take that time and dive into a good book is something we all enjoy doing together.