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My Life

By Lysibel
  • Personality!

    At two years old is when I starrted to REALLY let my personality show I was very out-spoken and became very individualized.
  • Limo Day!

    Limo Day!
    This day was a very fun day and even though I was only three when it happened I still remember it so well. All my siblings and my mommy and daddy were having a regular saturday when my daddy surprised us all with a day in a limo. We all rushed out all of us had taken a shower but we were all wearing jogging clothes. The day was very fun fillied as we strolled through the city. This is my favorite picture from that day because it shows me and my amazing sister, Kayla, having a great time. :)
  • Bye Bye Baby Teeth!

    Bye Bye Baby Teeth!
    In September 2006, I lost my first two baby teeth! I felt like such a big girl and my mom took many pictures.
  • Discovery!

    In 2007 I got a really cool mp3 player. LOL! I started exploring all types of music that i really liked. It was after I opened my eyes to a variety of music that I realized that I was completely in LOVE with Trey Songz and Chris Brown. I was sold by Trey Songz "Need A Girl" and Chris Brown's "Exuse Me"!
  • Swimming!

    When I was little I didnt really like the water, I loved bubble baths and showers but swimming was just scary to me. As I got older I grew out of that fear and started to get in the pool more often. Finally, I faced my fear and I learned how to swim!
  • Easter!

    This is a picture of me on easter 2008.
  • Mystery!

    II really like this picture to this day I dont know how the backroung was like a vintage black and white skeem but my whole body took on this red glare! The even weirder thing is that we inside and there was no sunlight to reflect on the camera and the car is a picture. :D
  • Costa Rica!

    Costa Rica!
    July 21st -31st a group of students, our teacher, and I went to Costa Rica for ten days! It was an amazing experience filled with many amazing community improvement project and understanding of the true meaning of globalization.
  • Art <3

    Art <3
    I really like to draw and this is something I made for my grandma just to say I love her.
  • This Is Me

    This Is Me
    This is me now. Theres not much to this story because it is still being written. <3