My Life

  • My Birth

    I was born December 21, 1990 at 7:21 p.m.
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    First Two Years

  • Biosocial Development: Learned to Crawl

    I was 5 months old
  • Cognitive Development: First words

    my first word was da-da
  • Psychosocial Development: Toilet Trained

    I was 18 months
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

  • Psychosocial Development: Lived with Aunt and Uncle Part Time

    I experienced different types of parenting skills from my aunt and uncle than I did with my mom and dad.
  • Biosocial Development: Mom had lukemia

    I experienced some real serious emotions, which is a biosocial event.
  • My brother was born

    His name is Austin
  • Cognitive Development: Started Pre-School

    I went to Stotlemyer Pre-School in Westland.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • Biosocial Development: Started Gymnastics

  • Psychosocial Development: First Long time Friend

    I met my best friend this year, Her name is Emillie and we are still friends to this day.
  • Cognitive Development: Started to Learn French

    I got far with it but still am not very confident in speaking.
  • Period: to


  • Cognitive Development: Started Middle School

    I was so scared I remember crying the night before being so nervous, but it is where I met some of my greatest friends.
  • Biosocial Development: Started to Look "Different"

    I started really developing in 7th grade and was starting to receive some attention I didn't know if I wanted to receive.
  • Phychosocial Development: Peer Pressure

    Went to a party with my friend and got drunk for the first time, it was not fun and something I didn't let happen again.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Biosocial Development: Started using the gym

    I started to work out because I know my body will not stay the same way it is if I do not do somthing about it.
  • Cognitive Development: Committed to a College

    I decided the first place I wanted to go was to Central Michigan University.
  • Phycosocial Development: Thinking about settling down

    I started to think about my boyfriend possibly becoming my husband some day soon.
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  • Psychosocial Development: Get Married

    I want to get married after I graduate from college and obtain a career.
  • Biosocial Development: Have a Child

    I want to be settled with a carerr and a husband before I bring a lovely child into this world.
  • Cognitive Development: Travel the World

    I want to travel the world and learn about culture when I have time in my life.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Psychosocial Development: Moving my home

    I think I want to move somewhere a little warmer than Michigan when I start to get older.
  • Biosocial Development: Accepting Aging

    I want to stay active when I am older but I think I will be able to cope with things well.
  • Cognitive Development: Diagnosed with Alzheimer's

    Alzheimer's runs in my family. I hope it doesn't happen to me, but it could.
  • Death

    The quiz I took said I would die at teh age of 83