Mrs. kean

  • The Pendleton civil service act

    The Pendleton civil service act
    This act allows the most positions within the federal government should be awarded on basis of merit instead of political patronage. It was needed because the government was going to corrupt And needed to be fixed. And improve the lives of Americans because this law merit and the government employee slept through competitive Exams.
  • The Sherman trust act

    The Sherman trust act
    Fisherman trust act outlaws every contract or conspiracy in restraint of trade, and any monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize. It was needed because to curttail compilations of power that interfere with trade and reduce economic competition. That’s lawn crews Americans at this time because it helps small businessman and the act eventually have to workers in attaining better working conditions.
  • Homestead strike

    Homestead strike
    The Homestead Strike was a violent labour dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its workers that occurred in 1892 in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The striking workers were all fired on July 2, and on July 6 private security guards hired by the company arrived.
  • Pullman strike

    Pullman strike
    On July 2, 1894, the federal government got an injunction in federal court which ordered an end to the strike. President Grover Cleveland sent federal troops to Chicago to enforce the court ruling. When they arrived on July 4, 1894, riots broke out in Chicago, and 26 civilians were killed. A railroad yard was burned
  • Booker T Washington’s Atlanta compromise

    Booker T Washington’s Atlanta compromise
    was the first speech given by an African American to a racially-mixed audience in the South. By doing so, eventually, he stated, African Americans would gain the respect of white society and be granted the rights of full citizenship.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt often referred by his initials FDR was an American politician who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. His goal as a president was the square deal was the Roosevelt domestic program, which reflected his three major goals. Conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection
  • First airplane flight

    First airplane flight
    Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. Orville piloted the gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its inaugural flight.
  • The meet inspection and pure food and drug laws

    The meet inspection and pure food and drug laws
    One more pass that summer day was the meat inspection act. This required certified, trying officials to inspect all animals before slaughter to ensure their health, made it safe for us to eat that. It was needed because the meat inspection act in form much-needed regulations in an industry that was revealed to have widespread sanitation and health issues. This law improved lives Americans because without these labels being passed our food will be nasty and people will be getting sick and die
  • President Taft

    President Taft
    As a US president from 1909 to 1913 and chief justice Are the US Supreme Court from 1921 to 1930, William Howard Taft became the only man in history to hold the highest post in both the executive and beautiful branches of the US government. From early in his career, Taft aspired to A seat on the US Supreme Court.
  • The amendments 16

    The amendments 16
    The 16th amendment establish income tax. It was needed because military especially the Navy, and for the food and medical inspectors, to pay government workers. Yes improve lives in American after time because they gave government money to make citizens lives better.
  • Washington, DC suffrage parade

    Washington, DC suffrage parade
    It was also the first large, organized march on Washington for political purposes. The procession was organized by the suffragists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns for the National American Woman Suffrage Association
  • President Wilson

    President Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was the 28th US president who served an offer from 1913 to 1921 and let America through World War I. Remembered as an advocate for democracy, progressivism and world peace, Wilson left a complex legacy that included resegregation many branches of federal workforce.
  • The 17th amendment

    The 17th amendment
    The 17th amendment was the direct election of Senators the popular vote in election more democratic. This informed her of the lives of Americans at a time because Oregon was the first eight years of math and after that more people started to.
  • The 18th amendment

    The 18th amendment
    The 18th amendment Providence alcohol you stay thought it caused problems like abuse crime and many more. This didn’t improve lives Americans because they kept killing people these days causing bad problems. It wasn’t successful because it was causing more problems than it solves people died criminals got involved in case more crim
  • The 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment
    The 19th amendment guaranteed women right to vote. This inform improve the lives of Americans because more voting makes America more democratic
  • First commercial radio station broadcast

    First commercial radio station broadcast
    first commercial radio station was KDKA in Pittsburgh, which went on the air in the evening of Nov. 2, 1920, with a broadcast of the returns of the Harding-Cox presidential election