Middle Ages

  • Nov 12, 1040

    The invention of Gunpowder

    Gunpowder was the first chemical Explosive and the only one known to be invented until the 19th ceuntry. The invention was is atributed to the Chinese alchemy and is known as one of the " Four Great Inventions".
  • Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Dec 31, 1087

    Middle ages

  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Was between the Norman-French army and the and the English army.Took place at a Senlac Hill aproximenly 6.25 miles northwest of hastings. The Norman came out with a victory.
  • Jan 1, 1068

    Doomsday Book

    a great land and property survey that was commissioned by William the Conqueror to assess his new possessions. this was the first such undertaking since roman times.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    First Crusade

    Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims because of the urging on the Pope Urban II.
    The lead to the begining og the Kingdom of Jerusalem and lasted almost 2 ceuntries.
  • Nov 9, 1215

    Magna Carta of 1215

    The clauses in the Magna Carta of 1215 deal with specific and often long-standing, grievances rather than with general principles of law. Most of the grieveinces are self understood but some were still up for argument.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Battle of Yamen

    Marks the end of the Song Dynasty and China is now under the rule of Kublai Khan as the emperor.
  • Jul 27, 1299

    Start or the Ottoman Empire

    Is founded by Osman I. Becoms the longest lasting Islamic Empire that lasts over 600 years.
  • Jan 1, 1337

    Start of the 100 year war

    The staart is by the struggle of France and England for dominance in Western Europe.
    this is the start of 4 wars in 116 year time span.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death

    1347 is when the black death began in China or central Asia. It started out in a rats blood stream which was bitten by a flea. The flea then jumped from the rats to humans and passed the infected blood to them. This caused the humans to become very ill and die within days. The black death killed 30% of Chinas population and between 30-60% of Europes. These rats were carried along the silk rode and on mercent ships and couldnt be stopped after the outbreak.
  • Dec 31, 1351

    Black Death Ended

    It took Europe 150 years to recover from the Black Death. And it occansioanlly came back until the 19th century.
  • Nov 12, 1378

    Western Schism

    three claimant popes were elected at the same time. shows the end of the Avignon Papacy.
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Fall of the Constantinople

    Started by the capture of Constantinople at the Capital of the Byzantine Empire. On May 29th the city was conquered but the Ottonmans. Thus marking the end of the Roman Empire.