Began study of disease. Started to blame diseases for sickness instead of gods and spirits. Doctors treat patients with respect. The Hippocratic Oath. -
Dark Ages
Jan 1, 1000
First school of medicine
First school of medicine -
Jan 1, 1200
first strict measures for control of public hygeine insitiuted
Jan 1, 1300
First Dissection of human corpse
FIrst Dissection of human corpse -
Jan 1, 1500
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Andreas Vesalius and Leanardo da Vinci dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings. -
Jan 1, 1500
First study of human anatomy
First study of human anatomy published -
Jan 1, 1550
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Anton Von Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope -
Sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries
WIlliam Harvey discovered circualtion of the blood and pumping of the heart. -
Eighteenth Century
Rene Laennec -
First Mucury Thermometer
Gabriel Fahrenheit -
Vaccinatiion against smallpox developed
By Edward Jenner -
First Female Doctor In U.S.
Elizabeth Blackwell -
First school of Nursing
Florence Nightingale -
Pasteurizing milk to kill bacterias
By Louis Pasteur -
American Red Cross
Founded by Clara Barton -
Rabies Vaccine Discovered
Discovered X Rays
By William Roentgen -
Blood Types
Blood types O,A,B, and AB are identified -
Penicillin Drug Discovered
First antibiotic drug. Discovered by Sir ALexander Fleming -
First polio vaccine
By Jonas Salk -
Birth Control Introduced
First Heart transplant
Christian Bernard -
Test tube baby born
Louis Brown -
Aids became recognized
First Altered Polio Vaccine
By Jonas Salk -
Clone Sheep
AL Qaeda group killed many Americans on U.S. ground