Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
Dark and Middle Ages
The study of medical science stopped. Medicine practived only in monasteries and covents. There were many plauges and epidemics. -
Jan 1, 1000
1000s First school of medicine established in Salerno, Italy
Jan 1, 1300
1300s First dissection of human corspe
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance
Rebirth of science: Physicians and scholars began to scientifically study medicine. -
Jan 1, 1450
Printing Press
Jan 1, 1500
1500s First scientific study of human anatomy published
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Andreas Vesallius & Lenardo Da Vinci: dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings
William Harvey: described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart
Anton Von Leeuwennoek: invented the microscope -
1600s Blood circulation first described and bacteria discovered
Eighteenth Century
Rene Laennec: invented the stethoscope
Benjamin Franklin: invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person
Edward Jenner: vaccinaion for smallpox -
America becomes independent
Elizabeth Blackweel become the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S.
Inspired Florence Nightingale to pruse nursing -
Period: to
Civil War
Germ theory introduced
Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross
Rabies vaccine discovered
William Roentgen discovered X-rays
Marie Curie isolated radium
Period: to
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Period: to
Jonas Salk develeoped the polio vaccine
Christian Barnard performed the world's first heart transplant surgery
First test-tube baby born
Louise Brown -
AIDS was identified in early 1980's
Scientists clone sheep
Dolly the sheep