Maya Angelou Born In Saint Louis
born as Marguerite Annie Johnson -
Experiences Trauma and Goes Mute
her mother's boyfriend rapes her and she does not speak for several years -
Moves to San Francisco With Mother
works as a cocktail waitress, a prostitute and madam, a cook, and a dancer -
Role in Folk Opera "Porgy and Bess"
tours 22 countries in Europe and Africa -
Joins Harlem Writers Guild
Works in Cairo
works for the Arab Observer and the African Review -
I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings Published
Writes Movie Drama "Georgia, Georgia"
one of the first African American women to have a screenplay produced as a feature film -
Nominated For a Tony Award
for her performance in Look Away -
Becomes Professor at Wake Forest University
Delivers Poem at Clinton's Inauguration
reads "On the Pulse of Morning" -
Directs "Down in the Delta"
directorial debut -
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Maya Angelou Dies
due to heart ailments