M2 Assignment: Timeline

  • Meyer v. Nebraska

  • Mendez v. Westminster

  • The Bilingual Education Act

  • Serna v. Portales

  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

  • Plyler v. Doe

  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

  • Every Student Succeeds Act

  • Answers to question prompts

    Up until after 1982, there was nothing I was personally doing because I wasn't born until 1986. I was in 8th grade when NCLB Act of 2001 was put into place. Unfortunately I did not know anything about this until I became an adult. When I was in 8th grade, I lived in a small town in Indiana that was primarily all Caucasian.
  • Answer to Question Prompts pt. 2

    When President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act that replaced NCLB, I was working at the school I am currently still with. I didn't know a whole lot but I know that's when the standards changed and everything went to "college and career readiness". These policies, court decisions, and legislations have very much changed the face of bilingual education over the course of time. Unfortunately, I still think there's a lot left to do to keep making those positive changes.
  • Answers to Question Prompts pt. 3

    What it means to me teaching my discipline subject is simply that I will have ELs in my classroom that I will be responsible for because they are moving towards the inclusion model. I will have to make sure that I am abiding by those laws and legislations. I will attend to the general issues by doing as much research as I can about teaching ELs, I will differentiate my lessons to accommodate their needs but I will also make sure they are not excluded or feel different from the others.