Krotune and Time

  • 13,001 BCE

    The Cardinal Gods are Created.

    Goella (light), Oxnos (order), Edia (destruction), Imdai (life) and Krotune (time) are created, one after another in quick succession. Soon after, but not immediately after their creation, they are each given their concepts to govern over.
  • 13,000 BCE

    Time is Created.

    Krotune is given the concept of time to govern over and it is thus set free in the universe, after having been frozen for many years under Edros' rule.
  • 12,950 BCE

    Ethoa is Built.

    Under Edros' supervision, Imdai creates a planet and calls it Ethoa.
  • 12,900 BCE

    Nuvai, Ena and Aylormas are Born.

    Edia's triplets are born. Nuvai is the Goddess of Fire and Peace. Ena is the Goddess of Water and Monsters, who begin to appear in the waters of Ethoa soon after her birth. Aylormas is the God of the Sky and Storms, which gives Ethoa an atmosphere.
  • 12,850 BCE

    Luco is born.

    Goella creates her first children (twins), Luco and Mayorca, who become the God of the Moon and Space (Luco), and the God of Stone and Earth (Mayorca.)
  • 12,800 BCE

    Gophion is Born.

    Krotune's first child, Gophion, is born and becomes the God of Wind and History.
  • 12,500 BCE

    Palace of the Pantheon is Built.

    The Cardinal Gods create the Palace of the Pantheon which revolves around Ethoa but is invisible to mortal eyes. In it, the gods live and work.
  • 12,200 BCE

    Pluet is Born.

    Imdai's first child, Pluet, is born and becomes the God of Rain.
  • 12,000 BCE

    Mortals are Created. Reiynos is Born.

    Imdai creates mortal living things in the form of plants. Soon after she creates animals and finally humans. With that, the God of Flora and Fauna, Reiynos, is born.
  • 12,000 BCE

    Tilao is Born.

    Oxnos' child, Tilao, is born and becomes the God of Death and Endings.
  • 11,999 BCE

    Caeda is Born.

    Edia's last child, Caeda, is born and becomes the God of War and Contracts.
  • 11,998 BCE

    Dremi is Born.

    Krotune's child, Dremi, is born and becomes the God of Dreams and Prophecy.
  • 11,889 BCE

    Iteo is Born.

    Imdai's child, Iteo, is born and becomes the God of Love and Envy.
  • 11,300 BCE

    Rilay is Born.

    Krotune's child, Rilay, is born and becomes the God of Stories.
  • 11,299 BCE

    Baetrish is Born.

    Goella's child, Baetrish, is born and becomes the God of Art and Beauty.
  • 11,000 BCE

    Oirno is Born.

    Oxnos' child, Oirno, is born and becomes the God of Commerce and Agriculture.
  • 8100 BCE

    Aylormas and Nuvai marry.

    The God of the Sky/Storms and the God of Fire/Peace marry. Gophion, whom Aylormas was in a relationship with, is devastated and betrayed.
  • 8050 BCE

    Rhavos is Born.

    The child of Nuvai and Aylormas, Rhavos, is born and becomes the God of Lightning.
  • 8010 BCE

    Krotune marries a mortal.

    Loura Tetlik (human) and Krotune's human persona marry in the mortal plane.
  • 8009 BCE

    Luyas Tetlik is born.

    Luyas, the demigod child of Krotune and a human called Loura, is born in the mortal plane. He is soon taken from his family due to instability on Ethoa and then lives in the Palace of the Pantheon immortally.
  • 8000 BCE

    Mortal Society Is Destroyed.

    Mortal Society is destroyed by Nuvai, fire, and she is executed by Edia, her mother. Subsequently, Ena cuts ties with her mother and retreats to the sea for good, hoping to hide her monsters away beneath the waves. Aylormas grieves and causes terrible storms, killing even more human life on the planet. He is banished to another planet in the solar system, and that planet becomes covered in storms.
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 7000 BCE

    Ethoa Under Duress

    During this time, Ethoa goes through terrible things and the mortals and life living there struggle to survive.
  • 7999 BCE

    Naevi is born.

    Imdai's last child, Naevi, is born and becomes the new God of Fire and original God of the Hearth.
  • 7700 BCE

    Oxnos and Gophion marry.

    Oxnos and Gophion marry in the Palace of the Pantheon.
  • 7300 BCE

    Krotune sends Aylormas back to Ethoa.

    Krotune finally returns to Aylormas and strips him of his power on Stefviv, then returns it to Aylormas with a much lower capacity, and sends him to Ethoa. He tells Aylormas to relearn why they exist, and to "strip the demon from his mind." So Aylormas appears on Ethoa in a storm, and meets the people of Svetcr.
  • 6650 BCE

    Saphyla is Born.

    The child of Naevi and Oxnos, Saphyla, is born and becomes the God of Seasons.
  • 6000 BCE

    The Palace of the Pantheon is Toppled.

    The Cardinals decide to destroy the palace of the pantheon and order all of the succeeding gods to return to Ethoa and live among their elements. Oxnos builds a library under the sea where he and the cardinals work from.