Body Awareness-Locomotor Movement
We will focus on walking, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, gallopping, rolling, climbing and sliding. -
Period: to
January Dance Unit
Body Awareness-Non-Locomotor Movement
We will focus onbending, stretching, pushing, pulling, twisting, rocking, swinging, melting and shaking. -
Body Awareness-Shape, Base and Parts
Body Base-Standing, sitting, kneeling, and lying.
Body Shape- Stretched, curled, twisted, angular, symetrical and asymmetical.
Body Parts-Head, shoulders, legs, arms, elbows, fingers, wrists, knees, ankles, and toes. -
Level-High, medium, low
Direction-Left, right, up, down, backward and forward
Range-Near, far, big, and small
Pathways-In the air, On the floor, straight, curved, and zigzag
Place-Personal, general -
Fast, Slow, Increasing and Decreasing -
Time-Beat and Rhythm
Beat-Underlying and Pulse
Ryhthm-Steady, Pattern, Breath and Irregular -
Energy- Weight and Flow
Weight-Firm, Light, Soft, Strong, Weak, Heavy
Flow-Free and Bound -
Sudden, Sharp, Percussive, Smooth, Delicate, Sustained, Sporatic, Explosive. -
Individual, pair or group -
Individual Dance
Free dance to music. In personal space, form will be based upon the choice of music. -
Pair Dance
We will mainly watch videos on the dance today. We will work on pair dances, such as the tango, waltz. Just basic form. -
Pair Dance
Pair dance continued. We will practive the things we saw in the video. -
Group Dance
We will focus on square dancing. We will work with only a partner today. -
Group Dance
We will work as a class on square dancing. We will coordinate all of our partnered work into a class routine. -
Practice Square Dance
We will invite the other grade levels to see us do our dance as a class, so we need to practice! -
Review Locomotor
We will be having a quiz on Friday to review the things we have learned, so we need to review. We will also practice the dance once today. -
Practice Square Dance
We will invite the other grade levels to see us do our dance as a class, so we need to practice! -
Other classes will come see us perform today! -
We will have a quiz on locomotor, and non-locomotor. Also a couple of the dances we learned.