J. Rojas' Cultural Roots Presentation

  • For the love of God

    For the love of God
    Due to misbehavior and low efforts in school during the 6th grade, my parents decided to move me to a private Catholic school for 7th grade. Thanks to this change, I was able to find peace in God. Now I attend mass every Sunday with my boyfriend. We haven't missed a Sunday morning since we've began dating.
    Figure 1. Jessica, in white headband, prepared to read the word of the Lord during a morning mass service. November 2009.
  • Quinceañera

    Rather than having a traditional quinceañera, my family decided it would be best to have one on a cruise ship. In the Mexican tradition, a quinceañera is typically thrown to symbolize the transitioning from childhood to young adult. This was something I had been dreaming about since I was a little girl- the chance of being a princess for the night.
    Figure 2. Jessica posing with her quinceañera doll. June 2011.
  • My rock

    My rock
    Jimie has been my best friend since way before this picture was taken. The friendship we have is irreplaceable. She's definitely more of a sister. We have laughed together, cried together, and binge watched endless Netflix shows together. She's the glue that keeps me together when I'm falling apart. I'm so thankful for the friendship we have.

    Figure 3. Jimie & Jessica taking a selfie while in Journalism class. February 2012.
  • Girl's trip

    Girl's trip
    As my senior gift, my mom paid for my to go to Europe with my closest friends. While I was in Europe, I visited Paris, Monte Carlo and Barcelona. Gaining these rich experiences of culture will be something I'll always cherish. I've been able to keep my mind open and apply some of my experiences into my classroom.
    Figure 4. Jessica and friends standing in the Mediterranean Sea. March 2011
  • Sister sister

    Sister sister
    As much as we disagree and roll our eyes at each other, Vanessa will always be the one I go to regardless of the situation. My sister was there for me when my anxiety was taking full blows at me. I would cry to her and she'd pray over me. My parents don't believe in mental illnesses therefore I give my sister all the credit for me being here today. Life was tough but it's true when they say a sister is an angel from above.
    Figure 5. Jessica and Vanessa smiling for the camera. December 2013
  • Take control

    Take control
    During the early months of 2015, anxiety made a strong first appearance in my life. I had just gotten out of a 3 year abusive relationship and was struggling to find peace within myself. I had given up on everything and was constantly throwing myself petty parties. One day, my sister suggested painting canvases as a way to express myself and keep my mind occupied. Now, whenever I'm feeling low, I go and pick up a paint brush.
    Figure 6. Jessica showing off her finished art piece. October 2015
  • Dakota

    Meet Dakota. Although she's not technically a "therapy dog," she definitely is to me. We enjoy time at the ranch together during hunting season, tubing down the river, coffee runs to Starbucks for lattes and puppacinos, and chilly mornings in bed under the cozy blankets. Dakota has made such an impact on my life. She cuddles up next to me when I'm sad on the couch and jumps all over me when I'm laughing from watchingParks & Rec.
    Figure 7. Dakota posing for a quick pic. April 2017
  • Abuelos

    My grandparents have been my go- to since day one. While my parents were working hard for me and my sister, my grandparents never hesitated to step in when needed. They were the first I told when I decided to change my major to education, they would send me money when my bank account was low, and they were always at every event supporting me with big smiles on their faces. My grandparents are my everything.
    Figure 8. Jessica and her grandparents after ASU's ring ceremony. December 2017.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    In May 2018, I became the first college graduate in my family- on both sides of the family. My family sacrificed everything in order to put me through college. My mom worked twice as hard and my dad worked longer hours for the sake of my education. No riches could demonstrate the gratitude I have for them. Through the hard and stressful nights, I made sure to give my best efforts for my parents.
    Figure 9. Rojas family pictured after ASU's graduation ceremony. May, 2018.
  • Big girl job

    Big girl job
    Moving back home to teach Spanish was the best decision I could've ever made. When I got called to pick up my teacher ID, I felt so accomplished. Finally, all of the tears and stress was worth it. My degree was about to be put into action. Coming from a family of educators, getting my teacher ID made me feel so official.
    Figure 10. Picture of Jessica's teacher ID. July 2018.
  • Smile- it looks good on you

    Smile- it looks good on you
    Finally, happiness was found. After years of struggling with anxiety, with the way I looked, I found happiness from within. I hold a special place in my heart for those who struggle with what I did. I hit rock bottom over and over and over again- and though I felt like I was never going to overcome the darkness, finally, the light bulb lit up. My smile is a bigger, and now my dimples and teeth show.
    Figure 11. Jessica at the river walk in San Antonio. December 2018