Inventions from 2010

  • Square

    The Square payment system has allowed payment processing from online to in-person transactions easier for all kinds of businesses. In 2009, Jack Dorsey and Jim Mckelvey continued to pitch their new company all around silicon till eventually it was open to the public within the next year. Square provides more than just payment processing but also business management and financial services.
  • IBM Watson

    IBM Watson
    In 2006, David Ferrucci pitched his Watson idea of building a computer that can function and surpass its rivals in a question-answer game; which was supposed push science further in the natural language processing journey. IBM has tremendously changed the game for the healthcare industry by withholding more knowledge than the human brain can handle when it comes to medical evidence, journals, and patient records.
  • The IPad

    The IPad
    Steve Jobs is the creator or the IPad. He introduced the product on January 10, 2010 but released the wifi-capable IPad in the U.S. on April 3rd. People who own an IPad do not need to purchase a computer and had made traveling lighter. IPad has also made some activities like reading a book, editing, or even filing easier when it comes to size and being able to access resources.
  • Instagram

    On October 6th, 2010 the social media application, Instagram, was released to the public. Created by Kevin Systrom, this app was dedicated to photo/video sharing while its users can personalize their own page, similar to Facebook. Due to the influencing and e-commerce age, Instagram has positively impacted the process of networking and product merchandising. Many use it socially while others take care of business!
  • eLegs Exoskeleton

    eLegs Exoskeleton
    On October 7th, 2010 Berkeley Bionics introduced eLegs Exoskeleton to the public which is meant for paraplegics, who can no longer voluntarily move their lower body. Although constructed for stroke recovery, this device helped paraplegics stay walking side by side with their loved ones and the rest of society!