
Interwar Years

  • The Treaty of Versaille

    The Treaty of Versaille
    The Treaty that eventually caused WWII was signed in Great Britain.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of  Versailles
    Treaty formed after WWI. 414 out of the 440 clauses were meant to punish Germany. President Wilson only had one of his own clauses put it, forming the League of Nations.
  • The Revolution Ends...

    The Revolution Ends...
    The Russian Revolution/Civil war ends...
  • The Prime Minister Resigns...

    The Prime Minister Resigns...
    David Lloyd resigns as prime minister of GReat Britain.
  • The 1st Five-Year Plan

    The 1st Five-Year Plan
    Stalin starts the first plan...
  • The Crash...

    The Crash...
    The USA's stock market crashes... The Great Deprression Begins.
  • The New Prime Minister

    The New Prime Minister
    Neville Chamberlin appointed Prime Minister in Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    The Great Purge

  • Chancellor is Crowned

    Chancellor is Crowned
    Hiltler is crowned Chancellor of Germany
  • Period: to

    The Savior is Elected...

    President Roosevelt is elected for his 2nd term.
  • Hindenburg Dies and Hitler Takes Over

    Hindenburg Dies and Hitler Takes Over
    Hitler becomes "Der Feher" or dictator.
  • Spanish Civil War Begins

    Spanish Civil War Begins
    The Civil War begins...
  • The Re-Election...

    The Re-Election...
    President Roosevelt is Re-Elected for his Second term.