Holocaust Time Line

  • Hitler was born

    Hitler was born
    Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn and his father is Alois Hitler.
  • Hitler Moves to Vienna

    Hitler Moves to Vienna
    Hitler lives in Vienna until May 1913.
  • Hitler moves to Munich

    Hitler moves to Munich
    Adolf Hitler moved to Munich Germany and enlisted in the army a year later to help in the war efforts.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Hitler was partially blinded

    Hitler was partially blinded
    He was partially blinded by mustard gas on November eleventh, 1918.
  • Hitler attended a German's Working party Meeting.

    Hitler attended a German's Working party Meeting.
    Hilter attends an Early German Working party meeting that later becomes the Nazi party.
  • Hitler and the Nazis attempted a revolution

    Hitler and the Nazis attempted a revolution
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party attempted to overthrow the government of Bavaria. Hitler got sentenced to jail time.
  • Period: to

    Hitler goes to jail.

    Hilteris was convicted of high treason and is sentenced to 5 years of jail time although only serves 1 year. He released Mein Kampf while in jail.
  • Hitler establishes the SS

    Hitler establishes the SS
    Adolf Hitler creates the SS which later did all of the things the german police force did.
  • Hitler losses an election

    Hitler losses an election
    Hitler lost a run-off election against General Paul von Hindenburg.
  • Hitler elected as chancellor

    Hitler elected as chancellor
    Hitler was elected the chancellor and the Nazi Party came to power.
  • Reichstag burnt down

    Reichstag burnt down
    With the Reichstag burning down emergency powers were given to Hitler being known as the "Enabling Acts."
  • Period: to

    Hitler Eliminates Competition

    Nazi Leaders eliminate leadership in the SA and other political enemies.
  • The Olympics

    The Olympics
    Hilter hosted the Olympics for propaganda use.
  • Austria Annexed to the German Reich

    Austria Annexed to the German Reich
    German troops marched into Austria. Austria then was annexed to the German Reich.
  • Hitler meets with other Leaders

    Hitler meets with other Leaders
    Hitler meets with the leaders of France, Italy, and Britain. They all agree on the annexation of the Sudetenland in exchange for a peace pledge from Germany. 6 Months later Hitler moves against the Sudetenland.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    In a speech by the German parliament, they announced that another world war would begin.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland
  • Hitler and others decide to kill Jews

    Hitler and others decide to kill Jews
    Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and other leaders reach the decision to physically kill Jews.