History Timeline

  • School segregation outlawed in schools

    School segregation outlawed in schools
    A collection of 5 cases, but dubbed "Brown vs. board of education", is now referred to as one of the greatest court desicions of the 20th century, Supreme court justices determined that segregated schools are, in fact, unconstitutional
  • Period: to


  • Rev, George Lee killed for leading voter-registration rally for afican americans

  • Lamar smith killed for organizing black voters

  • E. Till killed for talking to a white person

  • J. Reese killed by his educational opponents

  • Rosa Parks Issue

    Rosa Parks Issue
    On December 1st of 1955, Rosa Parks was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a standing white man. She refused. Within minutes, police officers were there to arrest her. Her story resounded throughout and beyond her community, all accross the country, inspriring civil rights activists
  • Bus Boycott

  • No more segregated seating on public transport

  • W. Edwards killed by KKK

  • First Civil Rights act since reconstruction passed

    First Civil Rights act since reconstruction passed
    The first of several civil rights acts supported by Eisenhower, this act paved the way for the Civil Rights Movement. This act aimed to ensure that all African-Americans could vote if they wanted to
  • Troops to Arkansas

    Troops to Arkansas
    During an attempt to de-segregize high schools, Central high school in Arkansas was federally forced to accept 9 black students. Despite protest and even military resistance from the Arkansas National Guard, the students were protected by the Now-Federalized National Guard
  • M. Parker taken from jail and killed

  • Sit-in at all-white lunch counter

  • Bus terminal segregation outlawed

  • Freedom Riders attacked

    Freedom Riders attacked
    A bus carrying Freedom Riders is fire-bombed. As the group try to escape, they are met by a large group of crudely armed men
  • Voter registrator killed

  • Voter registation drive

  • R. Ducksworth taken from bus and killed by police

  • Riots toward black college student

  • French reporter killed at riots

    French reporter killed at riots
    Paul Guihard, a journalist for the france-press, was murdered while covering the events of the Ole-Miss Riots
  • W. Moore killed during march

  • Police attack marching children

  • Governor blocks schoolhouse door

  • M. Evers assasinated

    M. Evers assasinated
    Evers, a WWII Vet and NAACP field worker who worked encouraging blacks to vote was shot by white supremecist Byron De La Beckwith.
  • The Marching 250,000

    The Marching 250,000
    250000 people came together in washington to peacefully protest for schools that aren't racially segregated, and also to grant new job positions to African Americans
  • Girls killed in Church bombing

  • Youth killed by Rascists

  • Voting taxes outlawed

  • Murder witness assasinated

  • Rev. killed during protest

  • 2 killed by Klansmen

  • 1000 civil rights volunteers visit mississippi

  • Black workers killed by Klansmen

    Black workers killed by Klansmen
    After "They aroused the animosity of white supremacists after he organized a successful black boycott of a variety store in the city of Meridian and led voting registration efforts for African Americans", the 3 young civil rights activists were killed and buried under a dam in Philadelphia, Mississippi
  • Civil Rights Act signed

  • Man killed by Klansmen

  • Civil rights marcher killed by Cop

  • Police beat back Civil rights activists

  • Rev. J. Reeb beaten to death

    Rev. J. Reeb beaten to death
    Reeb, a white clergy, was killed by supremecists after answering Martin Luther King Jr.'s call for a religious clergy in helping with the peaceful civil rights movement
  • Voting Rights March

  • Man killed by Klansmen

  • Black officer killed

  • Voting Rights Act passed

  • Man killed by Nightriders

  • Student killed by deputy

  • Another student killed, during dispute

  • Black Man killed in Klan bombing

  • B. White killed by Klansmen

  • C. Triggs killed by Nightriders

  • Black man killed after promotion to "white job"

  • B. Brown killed by police

  • First Black supreme court Justice

    First Black supreme court Justice
    After being sworn in on Oct. 2 of 1967, Marshall made a name for himself by bringing in fine details of practicality and law into court cases, also bringing respect to the black community
  • Students killed by highway patrolmen

  • MLK assasinated

    MLK assasinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was shot while standing on his balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee