History of Vietnam Timeline

  • Ho Chi Minh Born

    Ho Chi Minh Born
    goes on to lead Northern Vietnamese, Viet Minh, Viet Cong, and the revolution in his country. He leads the North throughout most of the history we are looking over.
  • Vietnam Declares Independence even though the U.S. and France don't recognize it

    Vietnam Declares Independence even though the U.S. and France don't recognize it
    North public agrees but leaders do not. Shows the attitudes of the Vietnamese people and their feelings towards independence.
  • Eisenhower Declares domino theory

    Eisenhower Declares domino theory
    Domino theory states that if one country falls to communism similar countries around it will fall to it as well Vietnam was used as an example. Plays into American fear of Communism
  • Viet Minh and French fight at Dien Bien Phu

    Viet Minh and French fight at Dien Bien Phu
    Ultimately a Viet Minh victory. Viet Minh embarrass the French and push them out of their country.
  • Geneva Accords split Vietnam at 17th parallel

    Geneva Accords split Vietnam at 17th parallel
    Vietnam being divided was the main reason the war had started and why the people of Vietnam were so divided. It was an oversight from the countries involved and it set the stage for the conflict
  • U.S. withdraws support from Ngo Dinh Diem

    U.S. withdraws support from Ngo Dinh Diem
    Due to Ngo's actions the U.S. stopped him form continuing in a position of power and helped orchestrate a botched coup attempt results in Ngo's death
  • Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections to reunite Vietnam

    Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections to reunite Vietnam
    Diem was afraid to lose to the communists so he cancelled elections led to conflict between the two now separate nations of North and South Vietnam and the upset in the North led to the war
  • National Liberation Front formed

    National Liberation Front formed
    Also known as Viet Cong, occupying South Vietnam under cover and in secrecy they became a source of fear and unrest during the war because of their tactics.
  • Vietnamese monk burns self in public square

    Vietnamese monk burns self in public square
    Buddhist monk burns self to demonstrate the emotions of his people and the oppression they seek to shed light on
  • John F. Kennedy assassinated

    John F. Kennedy assassinated
    Before his assassination Kennedy was seeking a more peaceful resolution or withdraw from Vietnam and his death put Lyndon B Johnson in the presidency which he used to escalate the war
  • President Johnson Claims USS Maddox was attacked in Gulf Of Tonkin

    President Johnson Claims USS Maddox was attacked in Gulf Of Tonkin
    Leads to Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gives Johnson power to do what he wanted in Vietnam
  • First combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    First combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    advisers had already been sent in 1955-1965 time span but first combat troops arrived during this time