Ilustracion que recrea el momento del big bang a9da2441 1200x630

History of mankind

  • 138,000 BCE

    Big Bang

    Big Bang
    The Big bang is the theory wich the one they explain the worlds creation, this based on a small point that started expanding and keeps expanding. Happened 13.8 Billion years ago
  • 45,000 BCE

    Earth creation

    Earth creation
    Our home planet is created about 4.5 billion years ago
  • 37,000 BCE

    First form of life

    First form of life
    When the first known form of life appeard, the Bacteria 3.7 billion years ago
  • 2400 BCE

    Humans, HomoHabilis

    Humans, HomoHabilis
    The first human kind especimens appeard the Homohabilis
    2.4 million years ago
  • 200 BCE


    When the most recent human model came out.
    200,000 years ago