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History OF Europe

  • 400

    The middle Ages (400-1500)

    The middle Ages (400-1500)
    ~ Early middle ages (400-900)
    ~The decline and fall of the Romain Empire
    ~Invasions od Barbarians: Barbarian kingdoms set up throught Europe
  • Period: 400 to

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 23, 1300

    Later middle ages (1300-1500)

    Later middle ages (1300-1500)
    ~members of the upper class increased teir wealtg dramaticlly
    ~bubonic plauge ( black death ) spread throught Europe by flease that fed on the blood of rodents
    ~killed an estmated 25-50 % ofthe population between 1347-1351
  • Period: Oct 7, 1300 to Oct 7, 1500

    later middle ages

  • Period: Oct 7, 1400 to


  • Sep 23, 1500

    absolutism (1500-1789)

    absolutism (1500-1789)
    ~monarchies were at the height of their power
    ~ruled by divine right
    ~louis XIV of france
    ~gradual centralization of the social economic and political structure of the state
  • Sep 23, 1500

    The Reformation (1500's)

    The Reformation (1500's)
    ~ was the 16th centery religeous revolution which ended tge supremacy of the catholic church in euope
    ~the catholic church held lots of power and influence
    ~martin luther (1483-1546)
  • Period: Oct 7, 1500 to

    the absalootism

  • Period: Oct 7, 1500 to

    the Reformation

  • The Renaissance (14-17th century)

    The Renaissance (14-17th century)
    Europes first major step into the modern age.
    Allowed individualsim in thoughts and beliefs
    Invention of printing press.
    Emerging impotance of universities
  • High middle Ages (900-1300)

    High middle Ages (900-1300)
    ~christianity began to dominate
    ~cursades- Christian Began to fighht against its foes
    ~soldiers of christ, set out to capture the holy land from muslims
    ~Europe began to stabilize
  • Period: to Oct 7, 1300

    HIg middle ages