Education help desk

History of Education

  • Common Schools Movement

    Common Schools Movement
    Horace Mann started the Common Schools Movement. He wanted every child to receive a basic education. He used local taxes to fund public education. This movement allowed students to go to public school and learn for free.
  • National Education Association

    National Education Association
    This was a policy-making organization, one that hoped to influence the national debate about schools and schooling. Over the next hundred years, it played a significant role in standardizing teacher training and curriculum
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    Women Teacher's Rebellion

    75 % of teachers in American were women in the 20th century. They did not make up much of the administration and their power decreased with high lever authority. They were badly paid and lacked pension benefits. Most teachers had limited resources and had little money to work with. African American teachers especially suffered from inadequate materials funding and getting paid less than white teachers. They also got hand-me-down text books and used equipment discarded from the whites.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    "Separate but equal" African Americans could go to the same school's as white's but had to be segregated. The education had to be "equal" still.
  • The Progressive Reform

    The Progressive Reform
    John Dewey disagreed with the set structure that many American classrooms had. By the 1920's he had become the standard-bearer for Progressive Education, arguing that democracy must prevail in the classroom. Both teachers and children needed to be free, he argued, to devise the best forms of learning for each child.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    This went on from 1954-1955. A decision by the US Supreme Courts that rule in favor of Brown. This got rid of segregation in schools. The implementation of this ruling took decades.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX is a law that prohibits discrimination against students or employees based on their sex in an educational institution. This gave more to women than what they had before.
  • The Standards Movement

    The Standards Movement
    This was created so teachers would have a well defined body of knowledge and guidelines that would indicate what students should know and when.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This Act set new government test standards that students must reach. This program was set in to help disadvantaged students reach the same goals as advanced students.
  • Education Today

    Education Today