First European Exploration
The Dutch found Australia but were kicked out by the indigenous people before they could colonize the land. -
Real Settling
Captain James Cook sailed to Australia. He named the area New South Wales & claimed the land for England. Teh sailors mapped out Australia. -
Bad Dudes!
“First Fleet” from Britain left England with convicts to establish a penal colony. -
United Provinces of Gangs
The English prisoers became the first settlers in Australia -
New Homes & Religion
remnants of the tribes in the settled areas were forbidden from teaching their children their language and customs and moved onto Reserves. -
Hard Core Place
Australia was the destination for the hardest of convicted British and Irish criminals, those who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia. -
Old Fence
Government officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today -
The Commonwealth of Australia was established -
New Capital
Melbourne stops being the national capital when Canberra was completed -
Broken Chains
all legal ties with the British Empire were severed. The Australia Act was signed -
No New Republic
55% of voters in Australia rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic.