Graphic Design from Then to Now

  • 700

    Medieval Calligraphy

    Medieval Calligraphy
    Calligraphy, or artistry, made books more valuable and set people apart from each other.
  • 1100

    European Heraldry

    European Heraldry
    The coat of arms, used to represent family houses or territories, is first used. It is technically the world's first logo.
  • Chromolithography

    People were able to print in color for the first time. Brands were now able to use characteristic color schemes.
  • The First Graphic Design Agency

    The First Graphic Design Agency
    The Wiener Werkstatte, meaning "Vienna Workshop", was the first graphic design agency. Multiple professional artists were working together.
  • Graphic Design as a term appears for the first time

    Graphic Design as a term appears for the first time
    William Addison Dwiggins, in his article, "New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design", first used the term graphic design.
  • Thoughts on Design is Published

    Thoughts on Design is Published
    Paul Rand wrote his theories and ideologies in Thoughts on Design. It helped shape the future design industry.
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop helped shape the face of graphic design by helping with photo manipulation. Source for information-