French Revolution

  • Origins Of The Revolution

    General causes common to all the revolutions of the West at the end of the 18th century, is what the French Revolution had. Particular causes that explain why it was the mot violent and most universally signification of these revolutions. The first of the general causes was the social structure of the West.
  • Causes of the French Revolution

    The population in France int the 1780s was around 24 million and 700 thousand, it was divided into three estates.
    100,000 Roman Catholic's, was the First Estate.
    400,000 French nobility, was the Second Estate.
    Merchants, Lawyers, Laborers, and Peasants, which compromised to 98% of the French population, was the Third Estate.
  • Storming of Bastille

    French prison is the Bastille which is located in Paris, France. The Bastille was stormed by an angry and aggressive mob. Bastille only held seven prisoners at the time. But the mob didn't come for the prisoners. They cam for the huge ammunition storage's that they kept in the prison.
  • French Revolution Turns Radical

    The newly legislative Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia. It believed that French emigres building counterrevolutionary alliance. It also hoped that the Revolutionary ideals spread across Europe through warfare.
  • The first Invasion of the Tuileries

    One of the Revolutionary turning points. More than three years after the attack on Bastille, the people of Paris laid siege on the Tuileries. The official home of King Louis XVI and the Legislative Assembly was the Tuileries.
  • Overthrow on the Monarchy

    The overthrow of the monarchy accrued in 1792 on August 10th. The France revolutionaries over threw the monarchy. They found that King Louis XVI was guilty of treason.
  • Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror lasted about 6 months. Most of the executions were done during the Reign of Terror. First started after the King dies and Marie Antoinette was the first executed after it started. The King and Queen's son disappeared and he was never seen again.
  • Execution of the King

    January twenty-first was the day that King Louis XVI was executed. King Louis was executed by the guillotine. As the King lost his head, the revolutionary made Marie Antoinette watch.
  • Execution of the Queen

    October sixteenth was the day that the Queen got executed. The Queen was also executed by guillotine. After the Reign of Terror started the Queen was the first to be executed.
  • France Before The Revolution

    Majority of people that lived in France lived in destitution. With little escaping chances of their condition. The Kingdom meanwhile was in the midst of a catastrophic finical crisis.