History timeline

By lyvask
  • First Public school is established

    In Boston, the first Latin grammar school is founded in towns that have 100 or more families living in it. They were designed for families of certain social classes.
    Click here to see a picture: https://images.app.goo.gl/sPKzCA4KhPXBQDSXA
  • The first college instution

    The first college established is Harvard college. It was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and gave people the chance to further their education.
  • Working class gets a chance to have an education.

    Thomas Jefferson proposes a two-track educational system to help the lower class to have the chance to get an education.
  • Education for the poor is established

    The wealthy businessmen of New York formed the New York Public School society for the poor children to have the chance to get an education. The school made of point of working on discipline and obedience, which were qualities that factory owners wanted in their workers.
  • Public schools open

    In Massachusetts, a law is passed that an all-grade public school is open to all for free.
  • Period: to

    African American Public Education

    Paring with the Republicans, African Americans push for the right to re-write the constitution so they can guarantee the right to have a free public education after the civil war
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    This court case de segregated schools in America and made it possible for black children to attend all schools.
  • Title IX

    This law was created to help more women's rights, and to help them get a better education. Before they passed this law, females were very limited on where they could work and how long they could stay in school. Most girls only went to school for a couple of years before they were taken out.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)

    IDEA allowed all children with disabilities to have a chance to have a free appropriate public education. This provided families with disabled children to have the ability to send their children to school and know that they are being taken care of appropriately.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA)

    This act replaced the No child left behind act and took a tremendous amount of stress off of teachers. This act builds on key areas of progress that are made possible by our students, parents, educators, and communities across the country.