Fetal Development- Angela Thompson

  • Ovulation

    The process in which one of the female's ovaries usually releases a mature egg about once a month.
  • Conception: egg and cell

    Conception: egg and cell
    Fertilization of a mature egg by a male sperm.
  • The first month (First trimester)

    The first month (First trimester)
    The baby will begin as a zygote. It grows into a blastocyst then into an embryo. This month is when the baby's heart, lungs, face, arms, and legs begin to show. The heart begins beating and the digestive system starts to form. Tissue can be seen. The baby's brain and spinal cord develop from the neural tube.
  • The second month (First trimester)

    The second month (First trimester)
    Body organs and systems continue to develop. The head makes up about half of the embryo. The brain grows at a rapid pace and will direct the baby's movements. Arms and legs grow longer and the finger and toes develop. Eyes take on colors and the eyelids form, but are sealed shut.
  • The third month (First trimester)

    The third month (First trimester)
    The baby is now called a fetus. The bones are growing and the kidneys are working. The fetus moves often, but the mother cannot feel it yet. The tooth sockets and buds for the teeth form. Fetus can open and close its mouth and swallow. The fingerprints appear. All parts of the baby's body are formed by the end of the month.
  • The fourth month (Second trimester)

    The fourth month (Second trimester)
    The baby is 3 1/2 oz and 4 1/2 inches long, from head to bottom. The baby's eyes can blink and the heart and blood vessels are formed. The fingers and toes have fingerprints. The fetus will make active movements. Fine hair on the head will develop.
  • The fifth month (Second trimester)

    The fifth month (Second trimester)
    The baby is about 10 1/2 oz and is about 6 inches long. The baby is able to suck on its thumb, stretch, yawn, and make faces. Even more rapid movements will occur. The gender is usually determined this month.
  • The sixth month (Second trimester)

    The sixth month (Second trimester)
    The baby weighs about 1 1/3 pounds and about a foot long. The brain is quickly growing and the taste buds continue to develop. The baby will respond to sounds by increasing its pulse.
  • The seventh month (Third trimester)

    The seventh month (Third trimester)
    The baby weighs about 2 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches long. The baby may be able to see light through the womb, since her eyesight continues to develop. Adding more body fat for the outside world. The baby will often change positions.
  • The eighth month (Third trimester)

    The eighth month (Third trimester)
    The baby will weight about 4 pounds and is 16.7 inches long, from top to bottom. The baby has toenails, fingernails, and real hair by now. The skin will become softer and will have fewer wrinkles.
  • The ninth month (Third trimester)

    The ninth month (Third trimester)
    The baby now almost weighs 6 pounds and is 18 1/2 inches long. The baby has been facedown in the uterus in preparation for birth. Lungs are fully developed and the brain is more developed than ever.