Feminism and Women's Rights Movement

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    First demand to secure the vote for women
  • Period: to

    The road through women's rights

  • Declaration of Sentiments

    Declaration of Sentiments
    The Declaration of Sentiments was signed at Seneca Falls.
  • The first women's sufferage law

    The first women's sufferage law
    in the U.S. is passed in the territory of Wyoming
  • The 15th Amendment receives final ratification

    The 15th Amendment receives final ratification
    saying, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” By it's text, women were not excluded.
  • Belva Lockwood

    Belva Lockwood
    is the first woman member of the Supreme Court.
  • Colorado granted women the right to vote

    Colorado granted women the right to vote
  • Almost every state passed legislation modeled

    Almost every state passed legislation modeled
    after New York’s Married Women’s Property Act, which granted married women some control over their property and earnings.
  • The congressional union of women's sufferage staged a sufferage parade

    The congressional union of women's sufferage staged a sufferage parade
  • Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Sanger
    tests the validity of New York’s anti-contraception law by establishing a clinic in Brooklyn. The most well-known of birth control advocates, she is one of hundreds arrested over a 40-year period for working to establish women’s right to c
  • 19th Amendment to the Constitution

    19th Amendment to the Constitution
    granted women the right to vote
  • The National Recovery Act

    The National Recovery Act
    forbids more than one family member from holding a government job, resulting in many women losing their jobs.
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Fair Labor Standards Act
    establishes minimum wage without regard to sex.