Missiouri Compromise
A compromise that helpped balence the free and slave states. There was a debate over if Missouri was a slave state or free state. The line was 36 30. -
Period: to
Pre-Civil War Timeline
Events leading up to the Civil War. -
Wilmot Proviso
Said that Slavery shoud be prohibited in any lands that the United States gained by Mexico. South didn't like the idea, and argued against it. The idea died. -
Compromise of 1850
Made rules about which states were free or slave and what their restrictions were. They tried to make a final settlement between the Northern and Southern states. It was just another temperary solution. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott sued his former slave owner for his and his families freedom. Dred Scott won in the first court, but his owner didn't want to loose. It went all the way up to the supreme court and Dred Scott lost and remained a slave. This was a big dipute in the country after Dred Scott lost to his former owner. -
Fugitive Slave Act
Law that said that if you helped a slave or didn't arrest him, then you could be fined $1,000 or even arrested. Even the people who were suspected to be helpping a runway slave, or was one, could have their house searched, even if the police didn't have a warrent. Made the North mad because the slaves escaped and wanted to stay free.Some individuals decided that they need to fight against this law because it was unfair to the North to be brought into keeping slavery and many didn't agree with it -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A former slave, Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote this book based on her and other slaves past experiences and when slaves escaped. It also shows how hard life was as a slave. Thisbook enraged the North because they saw how hurt the owners thought of their slaves as not people and that they treated them horribly. -
Kansas/Nebraska Act
A law that could allow slavery based on popular soveieighty. Organizing the region West of Missiouri as territories of Kansas and Nebraska. This made the dispute of slavery erupt again. Many had felt like it undid the Missiouri Compromise. -
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas had exploded, people were killing other people over their thoughts of slavery. Many people were their because that is where you would vote on your thought of slavery. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln chalenged Stephen Douglas to a debate for senete. Took place in Illinois and they were both against slavery. Lincoln ended up winning, making him want to run for president. -
John Brown's Raid
He had organized a group of people to help slaves escape from their owners and attack the slave owners, but the plan didn't go as well as he hoped. Helped a few slaves, but got caught. The first time he tried to do something, he went into hiding because a man had revealed his plan to some slave owners. He had tried to help, but he ended up getting hung for what he had done. -
Election of 1860
Election held for the president in 1860.Abraham Lincoln was republican and had been the best choice many thought. He won with 40% of the popular vote. This event was important because he was the one who called war and helped slavery become illegal. South became very mad -
Secession of South Carolina
Had a meeting and decided to seceed.Eventhough many people wanted to preserve the nation, the south wanted to seceed from the United States. It happened right after Lincoln was elected It was the first state to seceed. The South was enraged about Lincoln's win and wanted to become a slave state Nation starts to realize that the war is soon to come. -
Lincoln's Election
Lincoln won with 180/303 popular votes. His opponent was Stephen Douglas. Lincoln won in the North, but wasn't on many ballots in the south because he was against slavery.