
Events Leading Up To The American Revolution

By Zimo
  • Period: 1215 to 1215

    Magna Carta

    the nobles argued against the king's rules and forced him to sign the document basically nobels should have the same power as the king
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    England exported goods and saw potential in the colonies to make some money. The Colonies provided the sources of raw material
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    May flower compact

    English settlers made rules for self-governance when they hit the Americas.
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    English Bill of Rigths

    Parliament(English Government) created a bill that limits the queen and king power.
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    Cato's Letter

    Cato letter was made by anonymous and they expressed how badly the British political system was doing.
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    French and Indian War

    Conflict between Britain and French over land.
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    Stamp Act

    British Parliament passed the Stamp Act taxing the colonies to pay for every piece of paper they own
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    Declaratory Act

    This was a repeal of the Stamp Act the Declartory act allowed the Parliament to keep taxing the colonies
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    Townshed Act

    The British taxed more items on the colonies' paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.
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    Boston Massacre

    It was a riot that killed five people. The American colonist fought the Britsh soldiers to protest against what the British were doing to them.
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    Tea Act

    The Tea act could now allow the British Indian Company to ship tea directly to the colonies and control the sales on the tea.
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    Intolerable Act/Coercive Act

    Parliament got fed up with the colonist so in responding to the Boston Tea party. The Coercive Act closed the port of Boston. Intolerable Act was to punish the people who were involved in the party.
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    Second Continental Congress

    It was a meeting for the representatives from the thirteen colonies the meeting took place in Philadelphia.
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    Common Sense

    Thomas Panie wrote Common Sense to break down in a simpler way what the British Parliament was doing for the American people.
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    Declaration of Independence

    After a long fight, on July 4th, the document explained that we gained our independence from the British.