EVENTS LeADiNG To THe AmeRIcan ReveLoution

  • A L B A N Y C O N G R E S S

    The congress and the colonial leaders were there. It took place in Albany, New York. the British gov. thought a war would break out soon. The British wanted the colonists to cooperate in defending themselves against the French. Ben Franklin came up with the Albany plan of Union, but it got rejected.
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    T H E F R E N C H A N D I N D I A N W A R

    The french + NA vs. British / Iroquois and colnists.The were fighting for controll over the ohio river vally. British win the war, France lost all their empire
  • T H E T R E A T Y O F P A R I S

    French and Britain signed the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris. The Treaty of Paris was signed because the french lost the French and Indian War. The Treaty of Paris gave french Canada to great Britain and all french territories east of the Mississippi. all territories to the west went to spain.
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    P O N T I A C ' S W A R

    Pontiac and his allies attacked British forts around the area. The fighting began because native Americans were struggling to keep their lands. Nearly half a dozen forts were destroyed and about 2000 backcountry settlers were killed. The British did defeat Pontiac's forces in the end though.
  • T H E P R O C L A M A T I O N O F 1 7 6 3

    It was created because the British wanted to avoid any more wars with the Native Americas. The Proclamation banned settlement west of the Appalachian mountains. In the end the proclamation was ignored.
  • T H E S U G A R A C T

    The sugar act was an import tax on many important goods. The tax was imposed by the British on the colonists to get Britain out of debt from the war. Eventually the tax was eventually replaced by the Quartering Act because the colonists protested and boycotted the taxed goods.
  • T H E S T A M P A C T

    The Parliament imposed the stamp act on the colonists. the act made colonists buy special tax stamps to put on most paper goods. The stamp act was imposed because Britain needed money after the war. The colonists hated the stamp act, so the parliament discontinued the stamp act.
  • T H E Q U A R T E R I N G A C T

    One year after the death of the sugar act, the parlement emposed the Quartering act. The act required the colonists to house and feed British soldiers. The colonists didn't like the Quartering Act.
  • T H E B O S T O N M A S S A C R E

    An angry crowd of workers surrounded a group of British soldiers in Boston and started shouting and throwing stuff at them. The colonists were doing this because they were all triggered by the taxes the British were putting on them. The protest got too aggressive and the soldiers shot and killed five people. Then, the magazine over reacted and showed a picture of colonist genocide, which gave the gave it the name, The Boston Massacre
  • T H E T E A A C T

    The British parliament passed a law that the East India Company to ship tea directly to the colonies. This was done because the colonists thought the tea tax was bad. But, the colonists still weren't happy because this gave the East India Company a monopoly on the tea market that put all other tea merchants out of business.
  • B O S T O N T E A P A R T Y

    A group of colonists known as the Sons of Liberty organized a plan to dump millions of dollars worth of tea into the harbor as an act of rebellion against the British. The Sons of liberty disguised themselves as native Americans and dumped an entire shipment of tea into Boston harbor. They did this because they were angry about the tea act, and they wanted to start a revolution.
  • T H E I N T O L E R A B L E A C T S

    As punishment for the Boston Tea Party, the British government imposed four new, out right cruel laws to set an example to Boston. The first law closed Boston harbor. The next two laws increased the power of a royal governor, killed the Massachusetts legislature, and removed the power of town meetings. The fourth and final act strengthened the Quartering Act. As you can guess, the colonists, especially Boston hated these laws, giving them the name, the Intolerable Acts.
  • F I R S T C O N T I N E N T A L C O N G R E S S

    12 The 13 colones sent delegates to Philadelphia to participate in the first continental congress because the British were being mean to the colonists. The congress demanded that the Intolerable acts be abolished, presented the idea that an army should be formed, and asked for another boycott. afterwards the congress voted to meat again if the demands were not met.
  • B A T T L E S O F L E X I N G T O N A N D C O N C O R D

    The British did not meet the demands of the colonists, instead, they resulted in brute force to make the colonists obey. While the colonists form an army, the British are busy forming their army to steal there weapons. the British lost.
  • T H E S E C O N D C O N T I N E N T A L C O N G R E S S

    John Hancock, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson all met in Philadelphia to come to a decision about what to do about the crisis with the British. The congress noted that they needed to start an army, so they hired George Washington to be the commander of the Continental army because he had a lot of military experience.
  • B A T T L E F O R F O R T T I C O N D E R O G A

    The same day as the second continental congress , in New York, a group of colonists attacked and took over Fort Ticonderoga. the leader of the group was Ethan Allen, with a force of 83 men by his side. The group, known as the the Green Mountain Boys, took over the fort for two reasons. One, it controlled the main route between Canada and the Hudson river valley. Two, the fort had very powerful weapons. Later George Washington scared the British away from Boston.
  • T H E B U N K E R A N D B R E E D S H I L L

    British soldiers gathered around Breeds hill to attack the colonist army. The colonists hid in trenches and shot close range to the British. Many British fatalities occurred. While the british won the war, more British died then colonists, so the colonists won in spirit
  • O L I V E B R A N C H P E T I T I O N

    Even after the battles of Lexington and Concord, many delegates at the second continental congress still wanted peace to be restored with the British. The congress sent a petition called the Olive branch petition which attempted to make peace with the British. The plan ultimately failed and actually made things worse, as the king declared a state of rebellion against the colonies and sent 20,000 more soldiers to the colonies.
  • I N V A D I N G C A N A D A

    two armies led by Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold moved north through maine woods. Arnold had a horrible trip. They had to eat bits of their shoes to survive. The americans attacked quebec during a huge snow storm. But, the british won, and the colonists retreated home
  • T H E B R I T I S H G O H O M E

    Washington placed cannons on high ground, surrounding Boston, to drive away the British. It worked, so the British fled by sea and never came back