Events in World War 1

  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinaind

    Duke Franz Ferdinand id shot by Gavrillo Princip, a serb
  • Austria_Hungary declares war on Serbia

  • Germany declares War on Russia

  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany is in an Allaince with Austria Hungary
  • Germany declares war on France

  • Austria Hungary declares war on Russia

  • Austria Hungary declares war on Belgium

  • Lucitainia is sunk

    The German U-Boats sik the Luctiania which has 128 Americans onboard.
  • Italy declares war on Austria Hungary

  • Wilson asks America to stay nuetral

    Wilson asks americans to remain nuetral in every way
  • Italy declares war on Germany

  • Sussex pledge is made

    This pledge says that German U-Boats are supposed to warn Americans before they board ships that may be targets
  • Zimmerman note is sent

    This telegram was a proposal from Germany to Mexico offering land if they would declare war on the U.S.
  • The Illinoisis sunk

    Soon after, the Memphis and the Viglancia are siunk by German U-Boats, pushing the US closer to war
  • Wilson asks to declare war

    Wilson asks Congress's permission to declare war on Germany
  • Congress says yes

    Congress gives Wilson permission to declare war on Gremany
  • Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian government

  • Germany breaks through and reaches 50 miles form Paris

  • Battle of St. Mihiel

  • Armistice

    guns cease, but the war hasn't formally ended