
Europe Through its Inventions and Discoveries: 1648-1948

  • Period: to

    Europe Through its Inventions and Discoveries

  • Sand Grains Under a Microscope, Antoine van Leeuwenhoek

    Sand Grains Under a Microscope, Antoine van Leeuwenhoek
    Red chalk sketches of microscopic sand grains. Presented to the Royal Society of England via letter correspondence. Courtesy of the Royal Society, England.
  • Steam Engine Diagram, James Watt

    Steam Engine Diagram, James Watt
    Diagram of the steam engine by inventor James Watt. Watt patented the design in 1769. This improvement on a primitive engine was instrumental in ushering in the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
    Image courtesy of the National Museum of Scotland.
  • "Journée du 21 janvier 1793 la mort de Louis Capet sur la place de la Révolution : présentée à la Convention nationale le 30 germinal par Helman"

    "Journée du 21 janvier 1793 la mort de Louis Capet sur la place de la Révolution : présentée à la Convention nationale le 30 germinal par Helman"
    This drawing, done by Isidore-Stanislas Helman (1743-1806) depicts the execution of Louis XVI on January 21, 1793. Notably, the king is being put to death via guillotine, a major invention and emblem of the French Revolution.
    Image courtesy of the French National Library.
  • Primitive Culture: Researches Into the Developmentof Methodology, Philosophy, Relgion, Language, Art and Custom - Edward B. Tylor

    Primitive Culture: Researches Into the Developmentof Methodology, Philosophy, Relgion, Language, Art and Custom - Edward B. Tylor
    This image is the cover to English anthropologist Edward Tylor's prolific work of the same name.
    Image courtesy of the French National Library.
  • Stormtroopers Advancing Under Gas - Otto Dix

    Stormtroopers Advancing Under Gas - Otto Dix
    This etching by German artist Otto Dix depicts soldiers of the First World War. Importantly, they are donning gas masks, an invention of the Great War.
    Image courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art.
  • The London Blitz: V2 Rocket Bomb Incident at Chinatown, Limehouse, East London, March 1945

    The London Blitz: V2 Rocket Bomb Incident at Chinatown, Limehouse, East London, March 1945
    This photo was taken by the British Ministry of Information during the German-fronted "Blitz" bombing campaign on London during the Second World War.
    Image courtesy of the Imperial War Museum